- But then the introspection on World War II and the savage act of Nazi makes people rethink just law problem, which leads to the decline of legal positivism and revive of natural law. 然而,出于对二战以及纳粹暴行的反省,使得人们重新思考法律的正义性问题,导致实证主义法学的式微以及自然法的复兴。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- Jesuit Thinkers and Modern Revival of Natural Law 耶稣会思想家与近代自然法的复兴
- Revival of Natural Law & Nuremberg Trial 自然法复兴与纽伦堡审判
- the revival of natural law theory 新自然法学
- revive of natural law 自然法复兴
- Enlightenment of the Revival of Natural Law Theory of Fuller on Modern Law-governing Country 富勒的新自然法学对当代法治国家的启示
- Analyzing the Features of the Method by Fuller for the Revival of Natural Law Theory 试析富勒新自然法学的方法论特征
- He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty. 他将自然法原则同人民主权论结合起来。
- A Tendency of the Contemporary Theory of Natural Law in the Unite States. 当代美国自然法理论走势。
- Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law. 为这种拒绝服从辩护的理由就是自然法至上原则。
- In the practical politics of their own days, the teachers of natural law furnished valuable aids to progress. 在政治实践活动方面,自然法学者们在各自所处的时代中都对历史的进步提供了可贵的帮助。
- Another result of the philosophy of natural law was a strong movement for legislation. 自然法哲学的另一个实际结果是,它掀起了强大的立法运动。
- St.Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian, tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity. 圣.;托马斯
- "Real revival of nature" is a proposition put forward by Marx. 摘要“自然界的真正复活”是马克思提出的命题。
- We visited a museum of natural history. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。
- Another result of the philosophy of natural law was a strong movement for legislation . 自然法哲学的另一个实际结果是,它掀起了强大的立法运动。
- A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品
- Although the Jesuit thinkers didn't prevent the power of church from falling,they caused accidentally the revival of modern natural law,and also became the forerunners of modern natural law. 虽然耶稣会思想家的良苦用心并没能阻止教会权力的急剧衰落及至完全瓦解,但他们却在不经意间为自然法概念在近代的复兴提供了契机,他们也因此而成为近代自然法理论的先驱。
- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。