- Our revolutionary struggle has made much headway. 我们的革命斗争已取得了很大进展。
- Jincheng one has a glorious history of revolutionary struggle. 晋城一中有着光荣的革命斗争的历史。
- To Pham Van Dong the encounter with me was tactic in a revolutionary struggle. 对于范文同来说,同我打交道只不过是革命斗争中的策略运用。
- The conference noted the world significance of the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people. 会议注意到了中国革命斗争的世界意义。
- No,today international support is necessary for the revolutionary struggle of any nation or country. 不,国际援助对于现代一切国家一切民族的革命斗争都是必要的。
- It was as a student therethat he began to be active in the German revolutionary struggle. 在那儿当学生时,他就开始积极参与了德国的革命斗争。
- Only revolutionary struggle tears away all the covers from the actual relation of forces. 只有革命斗争才能撕毁遮蔽着各种力量的实际关系的所有伪装。
- The youth of China performed their duties very well in the long years of revolutionary struggle of the past and in construction of recent years. 在过去长期的革命斗争和近年来的建设工作中,中国青年已经有了良好的表现。
- Unless these ideas are thoroughly corrected,the Fourth Army cannot possibly shoulder the tasks assigned to it in China's great revolutionary struggle. 若不彻底纠正,则中国伟大革命斗争给予红军第四军的任务,是必然担负不起来的。
- In writing about China's Civil War, Belden summons many witnesses, all of them protagonists in one way or another of the revolutionary struggle. 当讲述中国内战的故事时,贝尔登引述了很多的目击者,而每一个目击者都是这场革命斗争中某一方面的主角。
- After the Great Revolution failed, he joined the Nanchang Uprisings and persisted in the Party-led revolutionary struggle. 大革命失败后,参加南昌起义,坚持党领导的革命斗争。
- It is therefore wrong to think that the forces of the Chinese revolution can be built up in the twinkling of an eye,or that China's revolutionary struggle can triumph overnight. 因此,那种以为中国革命力量瞬间就可以组成,中国革命斗争顷刻就可以胜利的观点,是不正确的。
- Clearly then the protracted revolutionary struggle in the revolutionary base areas consists mainly in peasant guerrilla warfare led by the Chinese Communist Party. 由此也就可以明白,在这种革命根据地上进行的长期的革命斗争,主要的是在中国共产党领导之下的农民游击战争。
- Therefore,although some social progress was made after each great peasant revolutionary struggle,the feudal economic relations and political system remained basically unchanged. 这样,就在每一次大规模的农民革命斗争停息以后,虽然社会多少有些进步,但是封建的经济关系和封建的政治制度,基本上依然继续下来。
- Most of the chief ones at and above the level of county Party committee or regimental rank in the army have gone through long years of revolutionary struggle. 现在,县以上的主要骨干,军队团以上的主要骨干,大多数是经过长期革命斗争锻炼的。
- What is most important for the young and middle-aged cadres when they take over from the old is to emulate their heroic spirit of revolutionary struggle. 中青年干部接班,最重要的是接老同志坚持革命斗争方向的英勇精神的班。
- Period of our party leaders in the revolutionary struggle in all the important sites and monuments to commemorate, it is becoming a tourist hot spot to visit. 我们党在各个时期领导革命斗争的重要纪念遗址和纪念物,正在成为人们参观旅游的热点。
- This article was written as a reply to the carping criticisms both inside and outside the Party then being leveled at the peasants' revolutionary struggle. 毛泽东此文是为了答复当时党内党外对于农民革命斗争的责难而写的。
- The Chinese Communist Party is a party leading a great revolutionary struggle in a nation several hundred million strong,and it cannot fulfil its historic task without a large number of leading cadres who combine ability with political integrity. 中国共产党是在一个几万万人的大民族中领导伟大革命斗争的党,没有多数才德兼备的领导干部,是不能完成其历史任务的。
- In the second 80-year period,the Chinese people,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,have got united and unprecedentedly organized,overcame numerous difficulties and won one victory after another in their revolutionary struggle. 在后八十年中,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下空前团结和组织起来,冲破重重难关,革命斗争不断胜利;