- rheological test curve 流变试验曲线
- You can compare the test curve with the standard curve of governor. 测试曲线与标准曲线对比。
- Based on the data of rheological test, the rheological properties of soft soils in Beijing district are studied. 摘要根据室内三轴流变试验的结果,研究了北京地区粉质粘土的流变特性。
- Combining the data of the rheological test of silt-like soils in yingkou district, this article inquired the law of moder parameters and rheological properties. 摘要根据辽宁营口地区淤泥技粉质粘土的流变试验,对流变模型参数及流变特性的变化规律进行探讨。
- Effects of exogenous pentosanase on domestic wheat bread flour was studied by rheological test, bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis. 通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了戊聚糖酶对国产小麦面包粉品质的影响。
- The curve of accelerating and decelerating can reflect the test curve well. 结果表明加速和减速的仿真曲线与飞行试验曲线是吻合的。
- The measuring method and test curve analysis of electrical macdriery power for 38/83 type of ball ave presented. 介绍单进单出球磨机拖动电动机功率的现场测试和数据处理分析的方法和结果,为38/83型球磨机优化设计提供依据。
- The RheolabQC is specially designed for performing routine rheological tests, from quick single-point checks to complex rheological investigations. RheolabQC是专门根据流变测试的特点而设计的,既适合快速检测单一点,也适用于复杂的流变研究。
- On the basis of it, biochemical assay of the coagulative and anticoagulative system and rheological testing were carried out in 102 cases.Results? 在此基础上又对102例断指再植进行了血液凝固与抗凝固两个系统的生物化学测定及血液流变学检测。
- The paper uses the MATLAB procedure to carry on the numerical evaluation, contrasting fitting degree of test curve and theoretical curve determinate model rationality. 使用MATLAB程序进行数值计算,通过对比试验曲线和理论曲线的拟合程度检验了模型的合理性。
- Model identification for rheological load test curve and its application 流变荷载试验曲线的模型识别及其应用
- The Morgan-Mercer-Florin function was used to set up a new rheological function model to describe the non-linear rheological properties of red stone granular soil in rheological tests. 流变试验;
- The fracture-pore dual-porosity media are characterized by a "concave" on the well test curve, while the fracture-vug dual-porosity media are characterized by a straight line without a concave. 这2双重介质之间存在明显的差别。裂缝-孔隙型双重介质油藏试井曲线上出现“凹子”特征,而裂缝-溶洞型则不出现。
- According to the simulation result to build a soil-geogrod interface parameter rule.Then transfer the interface parameters to predict out ASTM test curve by small scale pullout numerical model. 接著进一步探讨小型拉出试验及ASTM规范拉出试验之间差异,应用界面参数转换以小型拉出试验分析模型预测ASTM拉出试验曲线。
- By the classified analysis of well test curve in Qingxi deep-fractured oilfield,the reservoir interspace is cognized and the property of the reservoir bed is confirmed effectively. 通过青西油田深层裂缝性油藏试井曲线分类分析,有效地认识了储层的储渗空间,确定了储层的性质;
- The testing curve is generated and the viscosity of oil-water emulsions is analyzed by using Gaussian and Lorentzian curve. 拟合结果表明:在地层条件下,乳化液黏度的变化规律符合高斯函数和劳伦兹函数,与常温、常压下不含气的油水乳化液黏度的变化规律相类似。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Effects of exogenous lipase added to domestic wheat bread flour was studied on rheology test、bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis. 通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了脂肪酶对国产麦面包粉品质的影响。
- At last, a new method for pressure drop testing curve analysis of fracture-carven reservoir has been deduced and it compiled the program on the basis of the new method. 从根本上研究得出缝洞性储层压降试井曲线分析的新方法,并将该方法编写成计算机程序。