- In expressions, the rhetoric of hue stresses on appropriateness; the rhetoric of classifier measure word on selectiion and the rhetoric of punctuation marks on properness. 在言语表达中,色彩修辞重在得体,量词修辞重在选择,而标点符号修辞则重在适宜。
- I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians. 我讨厌政客们的花言巧语。
- The practices or rhetoric of a demagogue. 煽动煽动者的行为或言辞
- The measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey. 未用白色、黑色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。
- The Rhetoric of Religion: A new field of research? 威格兹一个新的研究领域吗?
- A complete study on the grammar aud rhetoric of. 托福文法修辞精解。
- rhetoric of hue 色彩修辞
- The rhetoric of civil society centres around the collective. 社会的周围遍布着市民社会的花言巧语。
- With a spectrum of hues, it does glow. 散发着五颜六色的光芒,鲜艳夺目。
- The color contrast of hue, registral decided to distance in a opposite points. 色不绝不不不差比的不不不不弱不不不弱不决于色相在色环上的间隔。
- These terms jibe nicely with Mr.Putin's own rhetoric of threats and fear. 这些字眼和普京先生的威胁和恐怖的口号完全一致。
- As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it. 只说好话而没有实行是毫无结果的,这好比一朵美丽的花,徒具颜色而没有芳香。
- The style, methods, and rhetoric of opponent of the war descended to a level of nastiness. 反战派所使用的方式、手法和语言堕落到如此卑劣的地步。
- First, hue histogram is generated which represents the distribution of hue values in an image in transformed space. 首先,在变换空间建立色度直方图表示图像的颜色分布特征。
- In 1993 UNESCO acknowledged the Complex of Monuments of Hue as a World Cultural Heritage Site. 1993年,联合国教育科学暨文化组织(UNESCO)通过了将顺化博物馆列入世界文化遗产。
- And in that light Frodo's face was fair of hue again, pale but beautiful with an elvish beauty, as of one who has long passed the shadows. 让佛罗多的面孔再度散发出光芒,苍白中带着精灵的美丽,仿佛早已摆脱阴影的幸运者。
- And at his confession they shrieked and objurgated him in the pithy rhetoric of the locality. 在他坦白后她们尖叫着,用当地简练的话语对他大骂不休。
- Where McCorvey holds back from the full fire-and-brimstone rhetoric of Terry is over the death of Tiller. 虽然被特里的花言巧语迷得神魂颠倒,但麦考维对泰勒的死还是有所保留。
- As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practise it. 就像色彩斑斓的花朵,失去了芳香;口齿伶俐的人只说不做也一样收不到成果。
- Judging by the political rhetoric of the mid-term election campaigns, that centrism has all but disappeared. 从民主党中期选举的政治口号来看,这种中间政策差不多不复存在了。