- rice plant of tillering stage 水稻分蘖期
- Suitable drought at tillering stage could enhance water use efficiency (WUE) of rice plant significantly in the course of and after treatment. 分蘖期适度节水胁迫处理可以显著提高处理期及处理结束到完熟期的水分利用效率;
- Effects of Nitrogen Form and Water Stress Interaction on Photosynthesis, Utilization of Water and Nitrogen of Rice Plants at the Tillering Stage 水分胁迫和供氮形态耦合作用下分蘖期水稻的光合速率、水分与氮素利用
- For late rice, we should pay attention to seedling and tillering stage, supply certain amount at middle stage, if soil K deficiency is severe. 对晚稻施钾来说,我们应注意苗期和分蘖期,如果土壤缺钾严重,中期供应一定数量钾肥。
- The poisonous berry of a plant of this genus. 该属植物的有毒浆果
- Simulation Model of Tillering Dynamics of Rice Community. 水稻群体茎蘖动态的计算机模拟模型
- This plant of pot holder is his birthday present. 这个花盆支架是他的生日礼物。
- True friendship is a plant of slow grow. 真正友谊是一棵缓慢增长的植物。
- Rice Planting of Saline Soil by the Sea in Tianjin 天津滨海盐碱地带水稻推广述略
- The results indicated that effects of cadmium and copper in soil on physiological properties and spectral reflectance of rice were the most significant at tillering stage. 结果表明,镉和铜拌土生长的水稻在分蘖期受到的影响最明显,无论是在生理上还是在反射光谱方面变化都比较显著。
- Ainsliaea fragrans Champ, is plant of Compositae. 杏香兔耳风是菊科兔耳风属植物。
- Machine Tool Plant Of Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. 东风汽车有限公司设备制造厂。
- Chemical Plant of Dali State Red Spider. 大理州红蜘蛛矿业有限公司化工厂。
- It was found that potassium uptake in seedling stage for late rice was higher than for early rice, the former occupied 7.5% of total K uptake, the latter only occupied 0.3%, the same situation was observed at maximum tillering stage. 已发现苗期晚稻吸钾量高于早稻,晚稻占吸钾总量的7.;5%25,早稻仅占0
- The Second Plant of Shandong Kaijia Food Co., Ltd. 山东凯加食品股份有限公司第二加工厂。
- The history of Huaihua's rice planting culture is long and deeply. 怀化稻作文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚;
- Application of compost may contribute to a slow release of nitrogen at later growth stage of rice plant. 施用堆肥可能对生长后期土壤缓慢释放氮有所贡献。
- Xindu Synthetic Material Plant of Chengu. 晨光化工研究院新都合成材料厂。
- The Study Progress on Plant of Reaumuria Linn. 红砂属植物研究进展。
- The results show that the content of Eu in rice root, stem and leaf leaches the highest in tillering stage when the same concentration is given, however in tasseling stage, the lowest. 作者首次采用标记示踪法测定了水稻在秧苗期、分蘖期、壮苞期、抽穗期、乳熟期等5个生育期吸收铕的情况为:同一处理浓度卜,水稻根、茎、叶的铕含量在分蘖期最高,抽穗期最低,水稻中铕含有量随生育期呈低-高-低-高的变化规律。