- Rice stem rot disease infected by Sclerotia oryzae and its bionomics 水稻秆腐菌核病及其生物学特性
- rice stem rot 稻小粒菌核病
- Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root. 茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。
- It was identified that Cytospora leucostoma was the pathogen of bayberry stem rot. 经鉴定,杨梅腐烂病菌为核果壳囊孢菌(Cytospora leucostoma)。
- Matck-stick inoculation method was used to screen for resistance to sclerotinia stem rot of rapeseed. 建议在使用牙签穿刺法鉴定的同时,结合使用别的菌核病抗性鉴定方法。
- Abstract: Assessing method of resistance to sclerotinia stem rot of rapeseed-match-stick inoculation method during flowering time was studied. 摘 要: 在人工气候室进行的不同温度、不同相对湿度条件下花期牙签接种试验的结果表明:温度和相对湿度显著地影响病斑的长度。
- PGPR microbial agent also has obvious biocontrol effect and decreased the infection ratio of stem rot caused by S. sclerotiorum. 油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的生防效果,能降低油菜菌核病的发病率;
- Wild rice stem, weever, water shield is in 1000 be labelled before New Year more Changjiang Delta 3 names dish. 茭白、鲈鱼、莼菜在1000多年前就被列为江南三大名菜。
- In this article, the development of research on distribution and damage, symptomatology, etiology, disease cycle and control measures of oil palm basal stem rot are summarized. 综述了油棕茎基腐病的分布与危害、病害症状学、病原物与传播途径、防控技术等方面的研究进展。
- In addition, honey, jellyfish, holothurian, wild rice stem, celery, vinegar, medlar, water chest nut to falling blood pressure has certain effect. 此外,蜂蜜、海蜇、海参、茭白、芹菜、醋、枸杞子、荸荠等对降血压有一定作用。
- Huo Z Y, Gao Z X, Xu D J, Chang Y, Shao C H, Zhu S D.Study on the functional patterns of azadirachtin to rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker). 霍中洋;高振兴;徐德进;常燕;邵彩虹;祝树德.;印楝素乳油对水稻二化螟作用方式的研究
- Abstract Gibberellic acid (GA), indoleacetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene affect the elongation of rice stem (or internode). 摘要 赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)和乙烯影响水稻茎(或节间)的伸长,其中赤霉素与水稻茎伸长生长的关系最密切。
- The technology of dehydrating wild rice stem using microwave energy in combination with hot air diying was investigated preliminarily. 利用微波能结合热风干燥对茭白脱水的工艺进行了初步研究。
- To irrigate the roots and spray the leaves could effectively prevent and cure the black rot disease and the root and stem rot disease by Fenaminosulf diluted 1 000 times,before seedlings got lignified. 在苗木木质化前用根腐灵稀释1 000倍灌根和叶面喷洒能有效地防治根腐和根茎腐烂病。
- The C, provision that affects sexual function: Meat of dish of water chestnut, wild rice stem, wax gourd, cabbage mustard, brake, rabbit, black agaric, marijuana benevolence. c、影响性功能的食品:菱角、茭白、冬瓜、芥蓝、蕨菜、兔肉、黑木耳、大麻仁。
- A cogwheel is placed where the wheat and rice stems cross at the base. 齿轮安在下方麦稻杆的交叉点上。
- sclerotium leaf and stem rot of white mulberry 桑首绢病
- The studies revealed that the resistance formation of rice stem borer was closely involved with the increase of detoxifying enzyme activity,target enzyme insensitivity and protein binding. 已有研究表明:解毒酶活性升高、靶标不敏感性以及蛋白质的螯合作用与二化螟抗药性形成的关系密切。
- A Study on Stem Rot of Prickly Ash 花椒干腐病研究
- Stem rot[Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib) DeBary] 菌核病