- He is a rice farmer. 他是位稻农。
- At home in an ancient volcano, a rice farmer eyes a storm above Lake Toba, cupped in a crater on Indonesia's Sumatra. 一位农夫注视着多峇湖上的乌云,多峇湖是位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛一座火山坑内的环湖,而这位农夫的家就在这座古老火山上。
- "At home in an ancient volcano, a rice farmer eyes a storm above Lake Toba, cupped in a crater on Indonesia's Sumatra. “一位农夫注视着多峇湖上的乌云,多峇湖是位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛一座火山坑内的环湖,而这位农夫的家就在这座古老火山上。
- My uncle is a rice farmer. 我的叔叔是一位水稻农民。
- Here in the remote village of Luchi, the local glass factory is a shattered husk while clusters of brick farmhouses are leveled.For Liu Lie, 67, a rice farmer, the situation is dire. 在成都,救援志愿者组成了一个指挥机构,叫做“非政府组织救援行动”,负责协调30个组织。
- The United States spends billions subsidizing domestic rice farmers. 美国花费了数百亿的钱财用以补偿本土的大米种植者。
- Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。
- The rice farmers' foe The Grand Prairie Area Demonstration Project seemed, at first, a fine idea. 大草原示范计划原本是个很不错的想法,但米农看起来很反感这个计划。
- People who just a few years previously were rice farmers got together and ran the heavily-mechanized French army out of Indochina. 正是几年前,农民们一起把沉重机械化的军队赶出了印度支那。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
- In particular, struggling dairy and rice farmers in New South Wales and Victoria have sold water to the booming orchards and vineyards of South Australia. 特别是在新南威尔士和维多利亚两州,处于困境中的奶牛养殖户和大米种植户纷纷把他们的水配给量卖给来自南澳大利亚州、生意兴旺的果园主和葡萄园主。
- Yixian rice farmers: Yixian are many kinds of mountain vegetables, there are Toon, wood Los buds, mountain leek, etc., and wood backyard Chaiji the natural green eggs. 易县农家饭:易县的山野菜品种很多,有香椿、木洛芽、山韭菜等,散养柴鸡及柴鸡蛋为天然绿色食品。
- That farmer employs many farm laborers. 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough. 农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- The farmer hasn't finished milking. 那农夫还未挤完奶。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- The farmer carted his vegetables to the market. 农民用车把蔬菜装运到市场。
- The farmer has a vineyard on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里有一个葡萄园。