- rich resource region 资源富集区
- western rich resource region 西部资源富集区
- There is a rich resource of labour. 劳动力资源丰富
- We shall exploit our rich resource to expand the economy. 我们应该利用我们丰富的资源发展经济。
- We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy. 我们应该利用我们丰富的资源发展经济。
- They exploited the rich resources in wheat and oil. 他们利用了丰富的小麦和油的资源。
- The LPW endows rich resources of biology. 拉市海保护区内有着极为丰富的生物资源。
- Chinese parasol tree hill and rich resources. 梧桐山的动植物资源非常丰富。
- Abstract : China has rich resources of Rubus L. 摘要 : 中国有着丰富的悬钩子属植物资源。
- The evaluation of Cooperation development of resource region is not improvisational, it actualizes by continual and recurrent examination, adjustment and evaluation. 资源型区域的协同发展不是即生的,它是通过对原有区域不断诊断、调整、评价,周而复始逐步实现的。
- The advantaged oil conditions and rich resource are the physical basis of oil and gas reservoir. 其有利的生油条件、丰富的资源量是油气藏形成的物质基础。
- They exploited the rich resources in wheat and oil . 他们利用了丰富的小麦和油的资源。
- Our vast territory and rich resources are big assets. 我们地大物博,这是我们的优越条件。
- Rich resources and hidden wealth abound in these areas. 那里物产丰富,有很多宝贝。
- Here, environment is graceful , has suitable climate and rich resource, is a happy person residentially. 这里环境优美,气候适宜,资源丰富,是一个怡人的居住地。
- There are rich resources of natural eucalypt forest in Australia. 澳大利亚具有丰富的桉树天然林资源;
- Your persona descriptions may contain enough information to answer these questions directly; however, your research data will remain a rich resource. 从你的人物角色的描述中可能得到充分的信息直接回答其中的一些问题,然而你的研究数据是一个极其丰富的资源。
- As a rich resource and extensive use of natural polymers, the market prospects of chitosan and its derivatives is very significant. 作为一种资源丰富、用途广泛的天然高分子化合物,壳聚糖及其衍生物的市场前景十分可观。
- Resource Region of the Three Rivers 三江源
- In view of the rich resource of magnesite in China, the application of the two products to environmental protection has vast vistas. 国内有丰富的镁矿资源,生产这两种产品进而在环保项目中推广应用具有重要意义。