- right lower scapular border 右肩胛下缘
- left lower scapular border 左下肩岬骨缘
- Its convex border should project far into the right lower lung field. 其凸出缘应深深地突入右下肺野内。
- After the flight ends, appear gammy, coma of right lower limbs. 飞行结束后出现跛行,右下肢麻木。
- At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot. 有时疼痛放射到右下肢后侧,一直到脚部。
- Left design, not a bullet point in the right lower Recharge cartridge. 左键设计,子弹没了点右下的Recharge装子弹。
- Settling into the blocks he grimaced repeatedly and rubbed his right lower leg. 在进入起跑位置时,他多次显露出苦脸,并抚摸自己的右脚踝部。
- In the meanwhile, a bulging mass was noted over the right lower abdominal wall. 经腹部超音波及计算机断层检查后,诊断为腹腔内囊肿。
- right lower border of cardiac dullness 心浊音界右下缘, 心右下浊音界
- Imaging studies and ureteroscopy showed a right sac-like kidney with a right lower ureteral stricture. 影像检查及输尿管镜检查显示右襄肾及右下输尿管狭窄。
- The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orifice of the right lower lobe bronchus. 支气管镜显示右下支气管开口有多发性,息肉状组织围绕著一块吸入的鱼骨头。
- About 3 hours, but this afternoon it moved to the right lower part of the abdomen for 5 hours. 大约3小时,但今天下午移至右下腹,有5个小时了。
- Key control, attention to the right lower beer volume, not the rush to the right added. 方向键控制,注意右下啤酒的量,没有的话赶快到右边补充。
- The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation. 右后下胸部叩诊有浊音,听诊于吸气未闻湿啰音
- Clinically, the patient often presents with right lower quadrant abdominal pain. 临床上,病人常表现为右下腹疼痛。
- At first I had a pain in the upper abdomen and then it shifted to the right lower abdomen. 我先是感到上腹部痛,后来转移到右下腹。
- right scapular border 右肩胛缘
- Right lower: Standalone solar and wind powered unit next to Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir Valve House . 右下:设于大潭中水塘水掣房旁的独立太阳能及风能发电装置。
- The activation of STOP TENSION function will be signaled by the F3 symbol on the right lower area of LCD. 停止张力功能的活化将会被LCD的正比较低的面积上的F3符号发送讯号。
- right upper scapular border 肩胛骨右上缘