- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人们有权通过这些田地吗?
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳击比赛资格。
- First, the tradition of solidarity and unity. 一是团结统一的传统。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在这个拐弯处,我们有优先行驶权。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。
- Their sense of solidarity is very low. 他们的团结观念非常薄弱。
- He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture. 他凭着长子继承权,继承了他父亲的财产。
- He demand the right of reply to the newspaper allegation. 他要求获得对报纸断言的答辩权。
- I could not explain how much I valued my code of solidarity. 我解释不了我是多么看重团伙的规矩的。
- It's my right of way, so you should have stopped and let me go. 我有优先通行权,你本应当停车让我先过。
- A barrister have right of audience in any court in England and Wales. 高级律师在英格兰或威尔士的任何法院都有发表意见的权利。
- One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech. 我们所珍视的权利之一是言论自由。
- People have the rights of assembly and expression. 人们有集会和发表言论的权利。
- This land is ours by right of conquest. 这块土地是我们攻占得来的。
- You have no divine right of purchase. 你没有神圣不可侵犯的购买权。
- The right of being first at the tee in golf. 先打权在高尔夫球中首先发球的权利
- Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers. 人们举行示威游行,以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。
- The house is to the right of the petrol station. 那座房子在加油站的右边。
- Ireland has proved also that policies of solidarity and do support work. 爱尔兰已经证明了稳定的政策对发展是非常关键的。
- Tremendous weight is given to the achievement of solidarity and unanimity. 极其重视团结和一致性的实现。