- right to use the state- owned land 国有土地使用权
- Those buyers bid for the right to use the land. 买主们竞价购买这块土地的使用权。
- Has he any right to use the style of Colonel? 他有资格使用上校头衔吗?
- How do we beneficially employ the right to use land? 土地使用权入股合算吗?
- They were refused the right to use the port. 他们没能得到使用这个港口的权利。
- Even now the law remains controversial because it codifies the individual's right to own land in a state that was founded on the principle of communal ownership. 尽管如此,这项法律仍存有争议,因为它将个人拥有土地的权利写入了一个基于公有制原则的国家的法典之中。
- It's not right to use manifold in this way. 这样使用节流管汇是不正确的。
- Your right to use the Site is not transferable. 你们不是工地使用权转让。
- I see. Well, is it all right to use the fireplace? 我知道了。唔,可以用壁炉吗?
- Every sovereign state has the right to use all means it thinks necessary, including military means, to safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. 每一个主权国家都有权采取自己认为必要的一切手段包括军事手段,来维护本国的主权和领土完整。
- The right to use land in accordance with the law transfer. 土地的使用权可以依照法律的规定转让。”
- Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land. 她说世界的领导者们应该在这周在罗马举行的会议上考虑这些性别的观点。
- Every sovereign state has the right to use all means it thinks necessary,including military means,to safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. 每一个主权国家都有权采取自己认为必要的一切手段包括军事手段,来维护本国的主权和领土完整。
- For documenting a screen flow, we also like to use state transition diagrams. 对于为屏幕流编写文档,我们也希望使用状态转换图。
- The Dutch colonial policy stipulated that the Chinese should be the synapses of the economical network in Indonesia,while the local natives held the right to own land. 荷兰的殖民地政策规定华人是印尼市场经济的网络细胞,本地人拥有土地所有权,而印尼华人没有。
- Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.She says world leaders need to think about these gender issues when they meet in Rome this week. 她说,本周,世界各国领导们在罗马召开的会议中需要考虑这些与性别相关的问题。
- The Dutch colonial policy stipulated that the Chinese should be the synapses of the economical network in Indonesia, while the local natives held the right to own land. 荷兰的殖民地政策规定华人是印尼市场经济的网络细胞,本地人拥有土地所有权,而印尼华人没有。
- RM says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.She says world leaders need to think about these gender issues when they meet in Rome this week. RM称妇女拥有获得土地的权利是能使她们在土地上投入更多.;她说本周世界的领导人在罗马会面时是需要来虑这些性别问题
- The State ownership of the coal resources,either on the surface or underground,shall not change with the ownership or right to use of the land which the coal resources are attached to. 地表或者地下的煤炭资源的国家所有权,不因其依附的土地的所有权或者使用权的不同而改变。
- Right to use or occupy or receive rent from a property which is owned by a trustee. 有权使用或占有或从被受托人拥有的财产中收取租金的权利。