- The accident rang down the curtain on Mr Green's law career. 这一事故结束了格林先生的律师生涯。
- She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road. 她不小心把戒指掉进了马路的下水道里。
- I'll give you a signal to ring down the curtain when the scene is over. 等这一场演完,我会给你发出鸣铃落幕的信号。
- Please send us pricing for vhf radios for marine use, vhf walkie talkies and vhf repeater equipment for voice and data communications. ... 查看“家用电器-视听器材”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Keyboard Indicates user preferences for keyboard settings, such as the key down repeat rate and delay. 指示键盘设置的用户首选项,例如,按下键的重复速率和延迟时间。
- The death of King Richard III in1485 rang down the curtain on the Middle Ages. 1485年理查德三世国王的去世标志着中世纪的结束。
- They rang down on recriminations. 他们结束了互相指责。
- They rang down the curtain on recrimination. 他们结束了互相指责。
- I'm sorry to hear that they have decided to ring down the curtain on their marriage. 听说他们要离婚,我感到很遗憾。
- The House action appeared to ring down the curtain on Reagan's six-year program of arming rebels in their attempt to topple the ruling Nicaraguan Sandinistas. 众议院的行动似乎结束了里根武装叛军以推翻尼加拉瓜政党桑地诺政权的六年计划。
- voice-frequency repeater equipment 话频中继设备, 话频增音机
- Cavity ring down spectroscopy(CRDS) is a novel technique used for high sensitive measurement of absorption spectra. 光腔衰荡光谱(CRDS)技术是近几年迅速发展起来的一种吸收光谱检测技术。
- carrier frequency repeater equipment 载波频率中继设备
- The only way of avoid the danger is that everybody require to melt the ring down forwardly. 避免问题的唯一办法是每个人都主动要求把这个戒指熔化。
- carrier-frequency repeater equipment 载频重播设备
- The loud noise rang down the valley and hit the rocks. 巨响传彻山谷,振动岩石。
- The curtain was rung down for the last time on Mr.A's play. A先生的剧本最后一次演出闭幕了。
- unattended automatic repeater equipment 无人值守自动增音机
- A new technique is practiced in the EPB shield tunneling construction, which erected the ring in whole on the ground and then hung the ring down to the tunnel. 摘要盾构管片在地面上拼装成环后再吊下组装是此前没有见诸报道的新工艺。
- ring down system signaling equipment 振铃制信号设备