- The output of one flip-flop is the input to the next; the state changes consequently “ripple through” the flip-flops, requiring a time proportional to the length of the counter. 一个触发器的输出是下一个的输入,因而状态的变化以波动形式通过各个触发器,所需时间与计数器的长度成正比。
- A property that is changed will ripple through all bundles that inherit from the changed bundle, as shown in Figure 1. 如图1所示,被更改的属性会影响从发生更改的束继承而来的所有的束。
- In the 1990s, though, Durand and others argued that case studies do not track the full effect of remittances as they ripple through an economy. 然而,在1990年代,杜然德与其他研究者认为,由于汇款在一个经济体中如水波般起伏而过,因此个案研究无法追踪汇款的全面影响。
- When shock waves from earthquakes ripple through the planet, they are detected by sensitive instruments at many locations on the surface. 当地震波波峰穿过地球的时候,他们依靠安放在地面不同地方的灵敏仪器检测它。
- I dutifully followed the instructions and was surprised when some 15 seconds into the game, laughter began to ripple through the audience. 当我再看这段视频的时候才发现当时舞台上有个穿着大猩猩衣服的人正从舞台左边走过。
- A gasp rippled through the crowd. 人群中传出一片惊诧之声。
- Laughter rippled through the hall. 大厅里荡漾着笑声。
- It does not support reuse because only one bundle exists and any change made to the bundle could ripple through the other components that use the bundle. 它并不支持重用,因为只存在一个束且对该束所做的任何更改都会影响到使用该束的其它组件。
- In either scenario, the impact would ripple through the supply chain of car dealers, parts suppliers and others, as well as the economies of Midwestern states. 无论怎样,其影响都会波及汽车经销商、汽车部件供应商等企业供应链的各个环节,以及中西部各州的经济。
- Economists say the grim unemployment situation is likely to ripple through the economy, hurting the consumer spending that drives two-thirds of U.S. economic activity. 经济学家们说,严峻的失业状况大概会波及整个经济,伤害驱动叁分之二美国经济活动的消费者支出。
- If we can understand the dynamics of emotions, we can skillfully handle myriad of overt and hidden influences that ripple through our being all the time, except perhaps in deep sleep. 如果我们能够理解情绪的运动,我们就能够处理无数种明显的或者隐藏的,无时无刻(也许除了深睡之外)不在影响着我们的心理波动。
- The store closings and delayed openings are expected to ripple through the economy, depriving many communities of sales tax revenue and eliminating work for commercial construction companies. 零售点关闭和延迟开业,将会减低销售税税收和令商业建筑商失去工作,像波浪般为经济带来多从的影响。
- A ripple of laughter went through the audience. 观众中响起一阵轻轻的笑声。
- A serial counter is also called a ripple counter. 串行计数器亦叫脉冲型计数器。
- China's efforts have rippled through to the markets for at least a few metals. 中国的举措已经影响到了至少数个金属市场。
- A light shudder rippled through him, and his mouth found mine again. 从他身上传来一阵轻颤,他的嘴唇再次觅入我的。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- The Magnatuar giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave that ripples through the ground. 他的巨斧劈敌辟路,还可重击地面打出彻石碎骨的冲击波。