- roasting in fluidized bed "沸腾层"焙烧法
- The occurrence of electrostatics is an unavoidable phenomenon in fluidized bed. 摘要 综述了流化床静电产生的机理及流化床静电控制的方法。
- Semicircle steel sheets were welded on the wall of evaporation pipes in fluidized bed roaster for anti-abrasion. 为减少磨损,沸腾炉内蒸发管采用加焊半圆形钢板防磨。
- The process of gas phase ethylene polymerization in fluidized bed reactor (FBR) is one class of typical multi variable nonlinear systems. 工业流化床乙烯气相聚合过程是一类典型的多变量复杂非线性系统。
- The distributions of voidage in fluidized bed and dipleg are both trending upwards on the top and downwards at the bottom. 流化器和料腿内空隙率沿高度的变化趋势是上部大下部小。
- The fluorine emission characteristics and industrial experiment results of fluorine retention during coal combustion in fluidized bed were reported. 分析了流化床煤燃烧氟析出特性,并进行了流化床石灰石燃烧固氟试验。
- The beef is roasting in the oven. 烤箱里正烤着牛肉。
- The drying and crystallizing of polyester(PET)pellets in fluidized bed were trends of development for PET solid state polycondensation. 聚酯切片的含水量和结晶度明显影响后续的固相缩聚过程,采用特殊流化床进行干燥和结晶处理是发展方向。
- One of effective way to reduce nitrogen oxides in fluidized bed is to add denitration agent.This paper studied iron-based denitration agent. 在流化床内添加脱硝剂是降低氮氧化物排放的有效途径之一,该文对铁基脱硝剂进行了实验研究。
- For her birthday party, Mary had a wiener roast in her back yard. 为庆祝生日,玛丽在她家后面的院子里搞个烤香肠聚会。
- Xue Lei, Yang Hairui, Yue Guangxi, et al.Ignition characteristic of coal in fluidized bed boiler[J].Coal Conversion,2004,27(2) :51-53( in Chinese). [3]薛雷;杨海瑞;岳光溪;等.;流化床内煤着火特性实验研究[J]
- Coal is heated to successively higher temperatures in fluidized beds. 煤在流化床中逐层加热到更高的温度。
- The combustion model of clarain in fluidized bed is equidensity shrinking core model, while that of durain is equidiameter one, and that of culm is a mixed model. 亮煤在流化床燃烧中服从等密度燃烧模式, 暗煤服从等直径燃烧模式, 而灰煤则服从混合燃烧模式。
- By spraying and coating the potassium carbonate solution onto the surface of glass spheres, the layering growth mechanism of granulating process was studied in fluidized bed. 通过在流化床中将碳酸钾溶液雾化后喷涂在处于流化状态的玻璃珠上,研究了流化床造粒过程的层式生长机理。
- I'm simply roasting in this fur overcoat. 我穿着这件皮大衣简直快热死了。
- Relating the momentum flux of particle with the particle impact pressure on objects, a theoretical model of the particle impact pressure in fluidized bed is deve loped. 通过对床中物体表面与碰撞颗粒流之间的动量衡算,将颗粒流动量通量与颗粒的碰撞压力相关联,建立了流化床中颗粒碰撞压力的理论模型。
- They lay on the beach roasting in the sun. 他们躺在海滩上晒太阳。
- These findings show that flow in fluidized beds lies squarely between the extremes of plug and backmix flow. 这些结果说明了流化床内流动恰好位于活塞流与返混流两个极端之间。
- The meat is roasting in the oven. 肉在炉子里烤着。