- The robber stabbed the young man in the belly. 强盗刺伤了这名年轻人的腹部。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- His fist sent the robber sprawling on the ground. 他一拳把那抢劫犯打得四脚朝天。
- The police put a shadow on the suspected robber. 警方派探员盯住那个抢劫疑犯。
- The robber in arms wanted to rob the bank. 这个持械的强盗想抢劫银行。
- The robber is lying in wait for the rich traveler. 强盗埋伏着等待有钱的旅客。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The robber was overpowered by the cop. 抢劫犯被警察制伏。
- He preferred a charge against the robber. 他控告那名盗贼。
- The robber was shot dead resisting arrest. 强盗因拒捕而被击毙。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver. 强盗用左轮手枪威胁出纳员。
- The robber tied him to a pillar. 强盗把他捆在柱子上。
- The robber used force to get into the house. 强盗使用暴力强行进入住宅。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- She grappled with the bank robber single-handedly. 她孤身一人与那银行抢劫犯搏斗。
- The robber was hand-bagged by the lady. 那位女士用手提包打抢劫者。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- The robber was armed with a rifle. 强盗有配备步枪。