- The priests were robed in black. 各司祭都穿上了黑袍。
- The judge was robed in black. 法官穿着黑袍。
- It is always a heart-breaking thing to see these congregations of men robed in black, murmuring together in low voices, on the threshold of the halls of justice. 看见这些成群的黑衣人立在公堂门前低声耳语,那总是件令人寒心的事。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The mourners were dressed in black. 哀悼者穿黑服。
- The pine tress were robed in snow. 松树披上了银装。
- Most old films were made in black and white. 多数旧电影片都是黑白的。
- The professors were robed in gowns. 教授们穿着长袍。
- The film was shot in black and white. 这部电影拍成了黑白片。
- The king and queen were robed in red. 国王和王后身穿着红色的长袍。
- The photo shows her dressed in black. 在这张照片里,她穿著黑衣服。
- Mrs Nixon is in black, I see. Whom has she lost? 我看见尼克松夫人身穿丧服,她失去了谁?
- The judge was garbed in black robes. 法官身著黑色长袍。
- She is arrayed in black mini and tights. 她身著黑色超短裙和紧身衣。
- The lady dressed in black is his aunt. 那位身著黑色衣服的女士是他的姑妈。
- I want the contract in black and white. 我要这项合同见诸文字。
- The magician was cloaked in black silk. 魔术师的身上罩著黑丝斗篷。
- After her husband died, she dressed in black for six months. 她丈夫死后,她穿黑衣服守丧六个月。
- At the center of the square stands a monument in black marble. 在广场的中央耸立着一座黑色大理石的纪念碑。