- Multi-objective robust guaranteed cost control of linear uncertain systems 线性不确定系统多目标鲁棒保代价控制
- robust guaranteed cost control 鲁棒保性能控制
- Robust guaranteed cost filtering for a class of linear neutral systems with Markovian jumping parameters is investigated. 对一类含有马尔可夫跳变参数的中立系统研究了鲁棒保性能滤波问题。
- Stochastic Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Control with an Indefinite Cost Control Matrix P. 成本控制矩阵不确定的随机二次保成本控制。
- The reliable guaranteed cost control problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear discrete-time systems with state delay and actuator failures is discussed. 针对一类不确定非线性离散时滞系统,研究了当执行器发生故障情况下的可靠保成本控制器设计问题。
- Robust stability analysis of uncertain systems with LQ guaranteed cost control 不确定系统LQ保代价控制的鲁棒稳定性分析
- This paper uses a guaranteed cost control method to design a controller of the grinder spindle system supported by electromagnetic bearings (EMBs). 该文采用保成本控制方法设计电磁轴承磨床电主轴系统控制器。
- A design procedure was presented for guaranteed cost control for stability considering the communication delay and asynchronism between the plant and controller in networked control systems. 针对网络控制系统中存在的数据传输时延,以及由被控对象和控制器之间的不同步给系统所带来的稳定性问题,提出了鲁棒保性能控制器设计方案。
- Discusses the design of an observer-based optimal guaranteed cost controller for a class of singular systems with state-delay and parameter uncertainties. 讨论一类含有参数不确定性且具有状态滞后的广义时滞系统的观测器型最优保成本控制器设计问题。
- Static Output Feedback Robust Reliable Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Discrete Time Delayed Systems against Gain Failures in Sensors 传感器失效下不确定离散时滞系统的静态输出反馈鲁棒可靠保成本控制
- resilient guaranteed cost control 弹性保性能控制
- Optimal guaranteed cost control law 最优保性能控制律
- decentralized guaranteed cost control 分散保性能控制
- tracking guaranteed cost control 跟踪保性能控制
- non-fragile guaranteed cost control 非脆弱保性能控制
- reliable guaranteed cost control 可靠保性能控制
- Firstly, the sufficient condition in terms of LMIs for the existence of resilient guaranteed cost controllers is obtained for all the admissible uncertainties of systems and disturbances of controllers. 第三章针对一类具有范数有界不确定性的连续广义系统和一种含有时间乘积因子的二次型性能指标,设计状态反馈控制器使得对所有容许的系统不确定性,闭环系统正则,无脉冲,稳定且最小化闭环性能指标的一个上界值。
- Based on the theory at Markovian jump linear systems, the sufficient condition of state feedback guaranteed coat canal for networked systems is presented, and the guaranteed cost controller is the solution at a act at linear matrix inequalities. 根据马尔可夫跳变线性系统理论,给出了网络化系统状态反馈保性能控制器存在的充分条件;该保性能控制器为一组线性短阵不等式的解。
- The guaranteed cost controllers can be obtained by solving the linear matrix inequality, which makes the closed-loop systems quadratic stable for all admissible uncertainties, as well as guarantying the cost is bounded in a limitation. 通过求解相应的线性矩阵不等式就可得到鲁棒保成本控制,所设计的保成本控制器对所有容许的不确定性不仅使得相应的闭环系统达到二次稳定,也能保证闭环成本函数不超过一个确定的界。
- Based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, the existence conditions and parameterized representation of the reliable delay-dependent guaranteed cost controllers are developed. 采用线性矩阵不等式方法,导出了时滞依赖可靠保成本控制器的存在条件和参数化表示。