- Robust time delay estimation method based on least mean p-norm blind channel identification(BCILMP) was proposed and applied to estimate the propagation velocities of GEA. 根据分数低阶统计量理论,本研究提出一种基于最小平均p范数盲信道辨识的韧性时间延迟估计算法(BCILMP),对胃电信号传导速率进行估计。
- robust time delay estimation 韧性时间延迟估计
- Based on the fractional lower order statistics and the noise characteristics, a robust adaptive eigenvalue decomposition (RAED) time delay estimation method is proposed, which extends the eigenvalue decomposition (AED) time delay estimation algorithm. 摘要依据分数低阶统计量理论和噪声特征,提出一种鲁棒性自适应特征值分解(RAED)时延估计方法,扩展了自适应特征值分解(AED)时延估计方法的使用环境。
- Time Delay Estimation (TDE) is a popular issue in signal processing areas. 时间延迟估计(TDE)是信号处理领域里一个十分活跃的研究课题。
- A new technique for deriving high robust time delay filter using zero placement was proposed in discrete time domain to reduce residual vibration in an uncertain system. 采用了零极点配置方法来设计具有强鲁棒性的时滞滤波器,消除小阻尼不确定性系统的残留振动。
- A new technique is proposed for deriving robust time delay filter using zero-placement in the discrete domain to reduce residual vibration in the uncertain system. 采用了零点配置方法来设计具有强鲁棒性的时滞滤波器,消除小阻尼不确定性系统的残留振荡。
- A Wiener weighting adaptive time delay estimation algorithm based on frequency domain is presented. 提出了一种基于频域自适应滤波的维纳加权时延估计算法。
- Based on the characters of overlapped echoes,a new method for time delay estimation is presented. 基于时域混叠信号的特点,提出了一种时间延迟估计的新方法。
- Two fundament methods for time delay estimation are the correlation method and the phase method. 时延估计的基本方法是互相关法和相位谱法。
- Traditional methods are steered beamformer, high resolution spectral estimation, time delay estimation (TDE). 传统的声源定位方法主要有:可控波束形成技术;高分辨率谱估计的定向技术;时延估计技术等。
- Array design and time delay estimation(TDE)algorithm are two key technologies of the whole research. 阵型的选择和时延估计算法的研究是被动声探测中两个关键技术。
- The results show that the technique can be effectively applied to such problems in GPR signal processing as detection and time delay estimation. 分析结果证明,这种方法可以有效地用于目标检测,时延估计等脉冲探地雷达信号处理中的关键问题。
- Due to a lower cost in calculation and a higher accuracy, TDE (Time Delay Estimation) theories become quite generally used in acoustic detection. 以时延估计(Time Delay Estimation)为基础的定位算法和理论,由于其较低的运算复杂度和较高的准确率,而成为目前比较通用的声定位方法。
- The ensemble average is applied to acquire the normal EPs as the reference signal for the adaptive time delay estimation (TDE). 在以往的潜伏期变化估计算法中,往往采用通过累加平均的方法得到的近似纯净的EP信号作为自适应时间延迟估计的参考信号。
- Simulation results prove the convergency of the time delay estimation algorithm used in on-line estimation for thermodynamic process. 结果表明,这种算法收敛性好,能够用来对热工对象进行在线参数估计。
- Time delay estimation error may decrease the linearization performance of adaptive predistortion for radio frequency (RF) power amplifier. 摘要延时估计偏差通常会严重影响射频(RF)功率放大器预失真技术的性能。
- We developed and analyzed a new adaptive filter structure for time delay estimation (TDE), which can eliminate this bias. 文章为该方法建立了新的自适应准则,分析了由该准则得到的最优解,并提出相应的算法来实现最优解的搜索,也详细的推导了算法的收敛条件。
- According to the time delay estimation model of multi-path effects in the underwater acoustic channel,computer simulation is carried o... 模拟结果表明,该方法对监测浅海航道水深是可行的。
- This dissertation focuses on the time delay estimation problem which has various and important applications in the fields of radar, sonar, communications and so on. 本文研究了在雷达、声纳、通信等领域中有着广泛及重要应用的时间延迟估计问题。
- Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed method will give satisfactory value of time delay estimation even in the environment of low SNR and strong reverberation. 计算机模拟结果表明,改进后的方法即使在低信噪比和强混 响的环境下,也可以获得令人满意的时延估计值。