- Application of kerf and rock bolt in Jinyuan Gold Co., LTD. 切缝加锚杆综合措施在金圆公司的应用。
- In this program,the smooth surface blasting and inject method of rock bolting network are applied. 先让后抗,抗让结合"为支护原则,以喷锚网支护为基础的不良岩层中大断面巷道掘进的一些技术问题。
- The result shows that this slope is not stable.It is suggested that the rock bolting and shotcrete should be adopted to prevent the slope. 结果表明,该岩质工程高边坡不稳定,提出了以锚喷支护为主的主动支护方案。
- The system has the function of model generating automatically which enables in-situ technicians to design rock bolting with FLAC expediently. 具备FLAC自动建模功能,极大地方便了现场技术人员使用FLAC进行煤巷锚杆支护设计。
- Roof falling of rock bolting supported tunnel is usually paroxysmal in a big area, so safety monitoring is of great importance. 锚杆支护巷道顶板冒落具有突发性和冒落面积大的特点,安全监测非常必要。
- KANG Hong-pu.FLAC analysis on affecting factors to rock bolting in gateroads.Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering,1999,18 (5):497-502. [9]康红普.;回采巷道锚杆支护影响因素的FLAC分析[J]
- Technical design and evaluation of specialist drilling and blasting such as pre-split, ground water seep holes, rock bolting. 对预裂爆破、地下水渗孔、岩石迸溅等进行技术上的设计和估算。
- At last,the expert system for the rock bolting support design and type selection is introduced briefly as an example of artificial computer program. 最后,作为一个智能计算机程序应用例子,简要介绍了矿山锚杆支护设计与选型专家系统。
- The rock bolt for superspeed hardening agent sandwich cement cartridge is a simple and valid rock bolt as a support. 超快硬夹心水泥卷锚杆是一种简单有效的支护锚杆。
- Under the explosive load,shotcrete and rock bolt support and integral lining structures are usually used for chambers in rock mass. 在爆炸荷载作用下,岩体洞室通常采用喷锚支护结构和整体被复结构。
- Little tremie grouting,systemic rock bolt and horizontal prestressed rock bolt are the most effective reinforcing techniques which have been validated in practice. 而小导管注浆、系统锚杆及水平贯通预应力锚杆是应用最为广泛的3种中夹岩加固技术,并在实践工程中得到有效验证。
- SUN Xue-yi.Grouted rock bolt used in underground engineering in soft surrounding rock or high stress region[J].Journal of China Coal Society,1984,9(2):61-69. [4]孙学毅.;高应力地区和软弱围岩地下工程砂浆锚杆[J]
- The treatment methods such asthe use of rock bolts and shotcrete are summaried. 同时总结了岩爆防治的有关措施。
- However , ajoint support of alluvial rock bolt with a double-layer of wire mesh can also besatisfactory in the same type of unfavorable ground conditions , with better economicbenefit . 而在某工程的地下洞室不良地质地段的支护中采用了双层钢筋网同管式锚杆联合支护获得成功,产生了与钢支撑同样的支护效果,并带来了良好的经济效益。
- In combination with the radial deformation equation of brittle wall rock in circular tunnel,the computing model for the axial stress of the grouted rock bolt in ideal brittle wall rock and ... 分析了锚杆应力的分布特征以及影响其应力分布趋势和大小的因素,其中重点对围岩体的剪涨角进行了分析。
- It is necessary to test the holding state of rock bolts nondestructively for the project. 近些年来,锚杆的锚固质量检测技术得到了快速发展。
- Rock Bolting Support Technology for Loose Coal Seam 松散煤层锚杆支护技术
- He locked the door and pressed the bolt home. 他锁上房门,并插好插销。
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- rock bolting and shot concrete parameters 锚喷参教