- And rolling dice to move pieces around the board. 哦,明白了,在一大纸板上掷骰子啊。我小时侯就有玩过。
- We use reasonable machining technology to greatly improve the machining precision of the rolling dies, and deuce the times of trying dies. 确定合理机加工工艺,可大大提高模具加工精度,减少试模次数。
- What has led gamblers to succumb to rolling dice and betting chips? 究竟是什么原因驱使赌徒们称为赌海中的游鱼而迷失自我?
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- This article presents the structure and manufactural method of thread rolling dies which are used for manufacturing instrumental taps (OD<1mm),meanwhile thread rolling technique for instrumental taps is mentioned. 本文论述加工仪表丝锥(外径小于1mm)用的滚丝模结构、制造方法和仪表丝锥的滚丝工艺。
- The arrangement of the wedge rolling die was described,and the design and calculating procedure for the wedging zone,spreading zone and finishing zone were stated. 并对楔形横轧模具的布置以及楔形横轧模具的楔入段、展开段和精整段的设计计算过程作了介绍。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- If the rolling dies are not preciously designed or the machining operation is not properly implemented, there is an influence on the profile accuracy, noise and service life of the workpiece gears. 若辊模设计不合理或加工方法不当,将影响工件齿轮的齿形精度,产生噪声,降低使用寿命。
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- She is crazy about rock and roll. 她喜欢摇滚乐。
- Range of Application: Tools requiring high wear resistance and cutting ability combined with good toughness, thread rolling dies, cold xtrusion die, blanking and stamping tools for material with high tensile strength. 应用范围模具或刀具兼备高耐磨性,剪切性及韧性,搓牙板,冷挤压模,冲压高拉力材料工具。
- I'm going to a rock and roll concert tonight. 我今晚正要去参加摇滚音乐会。
- If the table top isn't level, things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。
- The boy turned up missing at roll call. 小男孩在点名时不见了。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- The jokes made everybody roll about. 那些笑话逗得人人捧腹大笑。
- Rolling Dice: This was the tut I learned off of. Very good tut but not very noob friendly. 这是我民领教过的文件拓展名,是一个非常好但不适于网络新手。
- The teacher calls the roll every evening. 老师每晚都要点名。
- He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他从那卷布上剪下一米。