- First rotary printing press by Richard M. Hoe. 理查德.;M
- A tool, such as a hoe, used for hacking. 用于劈,砍的工具,如锄头
- The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds. 这园丁用锄头锄草。
- The gardener asked me for a rotary lawn mower. 园丁向我要一台旋转式割草机。
- inter-row rotary hoe 行间转锄机,行间松土机
- rotary hoe 旋转锄
- rotary hoe weeder 转锄式除草机
- I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground. 我宁愿在花园锄草,也不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。
- The old man knocked the hoe handle up. 那位老人把锄头柄往上敲。
- Hoe the wheat today, and the cotton tomorrow. 今天给小麦松土除草,明天锄棉花。
- The farmer went home hoe on shoulder. 这位农民肩上扛着锄头回家。
- This new rotary press prints very rapidly. 这种新型轮转印刷机印刷得很快。
- At first they cultivated with a rough wooden hoe. 最初他们用粗糙的木锄耕作。
- She brought herself a hoe and a sickle. 她给自己买了一把锄头和一把镰刀。
- To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe. 用锄割草、耕作或园艺
- Conventional Motor or Direct Drive Rotary? 选择传统电机还是直接驱动旋转电机?
- Then I head ed for the barn to get a hoe. 我对妻子说了一声后就跑向牲口棚去拿锄头。
- We need to have our rotary engine repaired. 我们需要让人修一下旋转引擎。
- I raised the hoe and slowly advanced. 我举着锄头,慢慢地向前走着。
- The central unit is a rotary drum. 核心设备是一个旋转的滚筒。