- rotating mercury tachometer 旋转式水银转速计
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- The mercury hovered around 35 Celsius degree. 水银温度计停留在摄氏35度左右。
- rotating mercury electrode 旋转汞电极
- In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings. 当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。
- The rotating chamber of a revolver that holds the cartridges. 子弹轮转盘装有弹药的左轮手枪的旋转弹膛
- Mercury rises in a thermometer on a hot day. 天热的日子温度表的水银柱往上升。
- A gyroscope consisting of a rotating wheel in a rigid case. 回转轮一种由装在固定的盒中的一个转轮组成的回转仪
- The mercury in the barometer is rising. 气压计的水银柱正在上升。
- To make an rpm-drop test, a tachometer is needed. 做每分钟转速下降试验时,需要一个转速表。
- Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce. 墨丘利是商业之神。
- The bezel is also modified to act as a tachometer. 小张同学是南京晓庄学院电子商务专业大三女生。
- The mercury stood at nearly 40℃. 水银柱几乎升到了摄氏四十度。
- Single integrated tachometer and speedometer. 单一集成转速及速度。
- Indicator for electrical transmission tachometer. 标准英文名: Aircraft equipment.
- Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen. 水星上面过于干燥,并且缺乏氧气。
- A projecting cam, as on a rotating shaft, that activates another machine part. 凸轮如转轴上突出的挺杆,使另一个机器零件活动
- Heavy as iron be, it will float in mercury. 铁虽然重,但它能浮在水银上。
- The centrifugal force of a rotating object decreases when it slows dwon. 旋转物体的离心力在减速时降低。
- You cannot make a mercury of every log. 并非人人能成材。