- Destination Station Routing Indicator 目的站线路指示器
- Communications Routing Indicator 通信路线指标
- General Collective Routing Indicator 普通集体路由选择指示器
- Originating Station Routing Indicator 发射台路线指标
- Service Message Routing Indicator 部队通讯路由指示器
- Collective Routing Indicator Processing 集体路指处理
- Charging tanks put the infantry to rout. 进攻的坦克使步兵溃不成军。
- The pig was routing for nuts under the tree. 猪在树下用鼻子拱地觅坚果。
- After our fifth goal the match became a rout. 我队进了第五个球以後,对方一败涂地。
- Project Learning - Fire Escape Route Indicator 专题研习-火警逃生路线指示器
- The old man has been routing among the piled newspapers. 老人一直在报纸堆中翻找。
- Routing tables keep track of network destinations. 路由表保持对网络目的地的跟踪。
- The Qestion about Design Principle of Signal Route Indicator 信号进路表示器设置原则问题
- She was routing among the old newspapers. 她正在旧报中搜寻。
- Timeliness of an indicator is also significant. 指标的及时性也不容忽略。
- The enemy was / were put to rout. 敌军被打得一败涂地。
- What did you rout out in the library? 你在图书馆翻出了什么。
- Connect the heat indicator sending unit wire. 连接温度计发送单元线路。
- The direction indicator seems all right. 方向灯看上去没问题。
- Large squads are less likely to rout. 人数较多的方阵更不容易士气崩溃。