- row against wind and tide 不顾别人的反对进行工作,在艰难的条件下工作
- The sailors strove against wind and tide to bring the ship to a safe anchorage. 水手们奋力战胜风浪将船驶向一个安全的停泊地。
- The crew strove against wind and tide to bring the ship to a safe anchorage. 船员顶着风浪和潮水把船驶入安全锚地。
- A conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas. 大风和海潮的同时降临使沿海地区遭到严重破坏
- Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. 驶船要乘风,风潮不等人。
- Both wind and tide were against the two men, and labour as they would they made but little way. 风势和潮水都是逆对着他们两人来的,不管他们怎样用力,他们仍然前进得很慢。
- The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage. 作物残骸可以帮助土地不至于因风吹水冲而流失。
- Conversely, the ocean always has some sort of detectable waves due to disturbances such as wind and tide. 相反地,海洋总是有某类可查觉的波动,是因为受到诸如风和潮汐的扰动。
- They rowed against the high seas and strong tide. 他们划船与高海浪和强海潮比赛。
- Wind and tide in our attack, the Marmara sea dark clouds rolling, spray scattered. 海风和大潮在袭击我们,马尔马拉海上乌云翻滚,浪花四溅。
- Proof against wind and weather, the house still stands there without even breaches in the roof of shuttered windows. 经过了风吹雨打,房子仍立在那儿,连屋顶和百叶窗都没有裂缝和漏洞。
- Proof against wind and weather,the house still stands there without even breaches in the roof of shuttered windows. 经过了风吹雨打,房子仍立在那儿,连屋顶和百叶窗都没有裂缝和漏洞。
- When problems arise,when pressures mount, follow the wise rule Admiral Byrd used when his ship was locked in the ice of the Antarctic:"Give wind and tide a chance to change. 当问题出现,当压力来临,遵循拜德上将在南极当船卡在冰块中说过的一句话:“给风和潮水一个改变的机会。”这是一个明智的规则。
- But as it was there, it formed a good shelter against wind and weather to several families of earwigs who dwelt in it. 棕榈树下是一片碧绿,绿中点缀着朵朵鲜花,红的火红,黄的琥珀,白的似雪。“这真是一片美丽无比的植物胜景。等它们烂了以后,那味道一定美妙无比!”
- Mulch not only protect the soil against wind and water damage, it also helps keep the soil from getting dry and reduces the need for watering plants. 覆盖物不仅仅能预防因风吹水冲的水土流失,还可以让土地不至于太干燥,达到减少给作物灌溉的需要。
- Forest canopies serve as natural buffers against wind and rain, and the deep roots of trees help keep the granular soil from shifting. 林冠是抵御风雨的一道天然缓冲屏障,而深扎在地下的树根可防止土壤颗粒流失。
- The eyes bloodshot with tears and tide. 潮涌的泪水在红肿的眼中流淌。
- We were rowing against the current. 我们逆水划船。
- Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. 可怜的约翰处于风雨交加之中。
- The ship is combating the wind and waves. 那只船正与风浪搏斗。