- row computing logic 行计算逻辑
- This makes classical logic a special fragment of computability logic. 这使经典逻辑成为可计算性逻辑的特殊片段。
- Being semantically constructed, as yet computability logic does not have a fully developed proof theory. 正在做着语义构造,至今可计算性逻辑仍没有完全开发出证明论。
- New styles of computer logic in turn force new questions and new perspectives from us. 新型的计算机逻辑反过来在我们身上强行获取了新疑问和新观点。
- Word processor: Machine using computer logic to accept, store and retrieve documents for subsequent editing and output in typewriter style. 文字处理机:用电脑逻辑接收,贮存和提取文件,跟着作编辑和以打字款式输出的机器。
- Hence meaningful concepts of "intuitionistic truth" and "linear-logic truth" can be derived from the semantics of computability logic. 因为"直觉真理"和"线性逻辑真理"的有意义的概念可从可计算性逻辑的语义中推导出来。
- Multi-detector row computed tomography( CT) offers important advantages over conventional imaging methods in the evaluation of the portal venous vasculature because of faster scanning and thinner collimation. 在临床上,医师事先能确认病人之门静脉血行状况及侧枝静脉图谱,对于治疗计画之拟定有极大的帮助。
- Web-strewn diagrams of interlinked behavior modules in ethology textbooks appear to computer scientists as computer logic flow charts. 在计算机科学家的眼睛里,行为学教科书上画的那些相互关联的行为模块的网状示意图,其实就是计算机的逻辑流程图。
- Defining what such game-playing machines mean, computability logic provides a generalization of the Church-Turing thesis to the interactive level. 定义了这种游戏扮演机器所意味的东西,可计算性逻辑在交互层面提供了邱奇-图灵论题的一般化。
- Being a conservative extension of the former, computability logic is, at the same time, by an order of magnitude more expressive, constructive and computationally meaningful. 作为前者的保守扩展的同时,可计算性逻辑有着一个数量级之上的表达力、创造性和计算意义。
- Besides classical logic, linear logic (understood in a relaxed sense) and intuitionistic logic also turn out to be natural fragments of computability logic. 除了经典逻辑之外,线性逻辑(在不严格的意义上理解)和直觉逻辑也转变成可计算性逻辑的自然片段了。
- I had a stand-up row with my boss today. 今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。
- A row of trees screened our view. 一排树木挡住了我们的视线。
- They tried to row the small boat off with a paddle. 他们试图用桨把小船划开。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- Multi - detector row computed tomography 多层CT
- Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排。
- This row has been simmering for months. 这场争吵已憋了好几个月了。
- Multi-detector row computed tomogTaphic 多层螺旋CT
- Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。