- rubber inner tube 橡胶内胎
- Do you know how to patch an inner tube? 你知道怎样修补内管吗?
- The tyre and the inner tube are both punctured. 外带和里带都扎穿了。
- USE: The machine is used for the extrusion of half-finished rubber products such as tire tread, inner tube, rim band and rubber tube. 本机用于挤制胎面,内胎,垫带,胶管等橡胶半成品。
- The main products of company are reclaimed rubber, POY terylene, rubber tyres including inner tube for vehicle and inner and tire for motorbike. 公司主要生产再生橡胶:差别化POY涤纶长丝;各种橡胶轮胎,有汽车内胎、摩托车内、外胎,规格齐全。
- The dipping of glass fiber fabric and nylon cord fabric in ENR latex and the application of raw rubber to manufacturing printing roll and inner tube of bicycle and motorcycle ... 对ENR胶乳在玻璃纤维布和尼龙帘布表面浸胶处理.干胶在自行车和摩托车内胎、印刷胶辊等制品方面的应用进行了尝试。
- This truck's inner tube is broken. Help me to mend it, please. 这部车的内胎爆了,请帮我补一下好吗?
- The sport or recreation of floating down a stream or river in an inner tube. 漂流乘皮艇顺水流或溪流飘浮的运动或消遣
- The inner tube of the tire should be changed. Now it leaks air badly. 这个轮胎该换里带了,现在漏气漏得厉害。
- GT express inflating system can inflate the inner tube ofa tyre in an instant. GT快速充气系统瞬间为无内胎轮胎进行快速充气。
- We are Kolkata / India based company looking for Natural Rubber Automotive &ADV inner tubes. 我们需要购买橡胶内胎,请发给我们产品的详细信息及价格,谢谢。
- The main products are all kinds of Butylrubber inner tubes, ATV sand tires, golf tires etc, car mats and rubber processing zone. 目前主要产品有各种丁基内胎、ATV沙滩车胎、高尔夫球车胎等、汽车垫带及混炼胶加工。
- Qingdao Yongtai Rubber Co., Ltd established in 1990, is a company specialized in producing different tyres 、 inner tubes &flaps. 青岛永泰橡胶有限公司建立于1990年,是一家专业生产各种轮胎的公司。
- Using a small ax, I cut an old inner tube into the shape of the sole and put holes in the rims of the shoes with an ice pick. 我按照鞋底的形状,用一把小斧子从一个废旧的车子内胎上切下一块胶皮,又用一个破冰铁凿沿着鞋边凿了洞眼。
- This coated inner tube is closed at one end and sealed at the other end to the outer tube. 内管的涂层是介于一端与另一端的外管的密封层里面。
- In humidifier add enters the perfume with oily blame, can come a few minutes to domestic inner tube romance and warmth. 在加湿器里兑入非油性的香水,可给家里带来几分浪漫和温馨。
- When the dryout point occurs on the inner tube, the critical heat flux will increase with the decrease of curvature. 内管干涸时,临界热流密度随曲率的减小而增大;
- Heat transfer enhancement was investigated in a coaxial-pipe heat exchanger using dimples on the inner tube. 在换热器管道的内壁面上布置丁胞可以有效地增强管道内的传热。
- Fricton reduction mecha nism and technical properties of the inner tube analysed. 对内筒减阻原理及技术性能进行了分析。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。