- Also available for spices, thickeners lubricants, rubber processing aid, varnish drying agent. 也可作香料、润滑油的增稠剂、橡胶加工助剂、清漆催干剂等。
- The paper have been introduced the applications of LPB in rubber processing,resins,eletrical and eletronic. 介绍了液体聚丁二烯在橡胶加工、树脂、电子及电力工业中的应用。
- The basic properties of paste CR and its application to rubber process were described. 介绍了膏状氯丁橡胶的基本性能及在橡胶加工中的应用。
- The characteristis and mixing mechanism of every type of pin barrel extrudes and their application to rubber processing were introduced. 介绍各种形式销钉挤出机的特点及混合机理及其在橡胶加工中的应用情况。
- The main products are all kinds of Butylrubber inner tubes, ATV sand tires, golf tires etc, car mats and rubber processing zone. 目前主要产品有各种丁基内胎、ATV沙滩车胎、高尔夫球车胎等、汽车垫带及混炼胶加工。
- When with stainless steel or carbon steel, the interior must line with rubber processing, preventing to canker shell material. 用不锈钢或碳钢制作时,内部需衬胶处理,以防止腐蚀壳体材料。
- The testing level of the laboratories in synthetic rubber companies is higher than that of the laboratories in rubber processing companies. 合成橡胶生产企业的实验室测试水平高于加工企业;
- Investment focus on paints and varnishing, rubber processing, ornamental stone, digital printing, precision parts and metal protection. 主要投资如下行业:油漆和上漆、橡胶加工、装饰性宝石、数字印刷、精密分离和金属保护。
- Industrial Products: petroleum products, shipping and repair, chemicals, electric apparatus and date-processing machines, rubber processing, light textile industry. 主要工业产品:石油产品、船舶及修理、化学产品、电子设备、日用加工机械、橡胶制品、轻纺工业。
- Antiscorching agent MTP (N-Morpholinothio Phthaldiamide) having fine performance is a multifunctional addition agent for rubber processing and has attracted increasing interest in recent years. 防焦剂MTP是国内外正在研究开发的一种性能优良的多功能橡胶加工助剂,其化学名称为N-吗啉硫代邻苯二甲酰亚胺。
- Sanyuanyibing Juancai rubber waterproofing, waterproofing Juancai Gonghun chlorination Polythelene rubber, adhesives, paint &waterproofing manufacturing; Rubber runway, rubber processing. 三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材、氯化聚乙稀橡胶共混防水卷材、粘合剂、聚氨脂防水涂料制造;橡胶跑道、胶管加工。
- The effect of rubber processing aids,such as plasticizer A,T 78,D R,Aktiplast T and H501 on physical properties,flow ability,dispersity of carbon black and other solid ingredients,mixing and extrudability of radial truck tire tread was investigated. 研究了橡胶加工助剂增塑剂 A, T?78 , D? R, Aktiplast T 及 H501 对载重子午线轮胎胎面胶的物理性能、流动性、炭黑及固体配合剂的分散性、混炼和挤出性能的影响。
- Sanyuanyibing Juancai rubber waterproofing, waterproofing Juancai Gonghun chlorination Polythelene rubber, adhesives, paint& waterproofing manufacturing; Rubber runway, rubber processing. 三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材、化聚乙稀橡胶共混防水卷材、合剂、氨脂防水涂料制造;橡胶跑道、管加工。
- The application of RPA2000 rubber processibility analyzer in formulation was investigated. 研究RPA2000橡胶加工分析仪在配方设计中的应用。
- Second, the mechanical equipments that designed by this technology also have intelligent function(CAD system gives more suitable produce rubber process condition and auto controlled according to actual production condition and environment). 其二为所设计的生产机械设备也具有智能化功能(能根据实际生产的环境和条件提供最佳工艺和生产自动控制方式)。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。
- Rubber boots are impervious to water. 橡胶鞋是防水的。
- I have not a good hand the whole rubber. 整个一盘牌中我就没有拿到过一手好牌。
- She used a rubber band to tie her hair. 她用一根橡皮筋扎头发。