- rubber tubing for foodstuff 食品用橡胶管
- Natural rubber tube for automobile 用天然橡胶管
- butyl rubber tube for automobile 汽车用丁基橡胶管
- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃灯罩围住灯的火焰的玻璃管
- For POWER: Use RUBBER TUBING to place resistance in ANY type of attack maneuver. Your imagination is the limit here! 寻求力量:利用橡皮条增加任何一种攻击的阻力。这里仅受制于你的想象力!
- There is a rubber tube inside a bicycle tyre. 自行车的轮胎里有一个橡胶内胎(内带)。
- It is widely been used for foodstuff oil,feedstuff,chemical and so on. 以广泛用于粮食、油脂、饲料和化工等行业。
- Flexible tubing for drip irrigation emitters or "leaky" pipe. 滴灌喷射装置或“渗漏”管的灵活布管
- Wenzhou Yongchen Tube For Liquid Flow Co., Ltd. 温州永晨流体管道有限公司。
- It is used for foodstuff packing such as chocolate, candy, ice cream, milk products, oily baked food etc. 适用于食品包装,如巧克力、水果糖、冰激淋、奶制品、油烤食品等。
- Study of Development and Application of EPDM Rubber Tubes for Intercooler EPDM中冷器出气胶管的开发及应用研究
- A flexible tube for conveying liquids or gases under pressure. 软管易弯曲的管子,在压力之下能输送液体或气体
- Our famous rubber tubing in a slimmed down style, and includes the rubber adjustable slider, available in a variety of colors and patterns. 尾端采用橡胶的固定方式,因此喜欢的朋友要注意眼镜镜脚的大小。
- A tube for conveying the sound of a voice from one room to another. 一种把声音从一间屋子移到另一间屋子的管子。
- Requires clamp actuating tube for desired clamping device. 必须为所需夹紧装置配夹钳致动管。
- FRANK: April, a normal woman, a normal sane mother doesn't buy herself a piece of rubber tubing to give herself an abortion so she can, go live out some God damn fantasy. 弗兰克:爱普莉,一个正常的女人,一个正常的理智的母亲,不会买一条橡皮管子给自己做人流,然后自己可以潇潇洒洒地生活在那些个该死的幻想世界里头去。
- The technology of NIR was applicated in the quality detection for foodstuff such as honey, buckwheat and cooking oil. 摘要应用近红外光谱技术对蜂蜜、荞麦、食用油等样品进行品质鉴别分析。
- SFD series auto packaging machines is suitable for foodstuff, frozen food, medicine, chemistry, daily need and etc. SFD系列全自动包装机广泛应用于食品、冷食、医药、化工五金、酒类和日用品等领域。
- Each “air muscle” in the forearm behind the hand consists of a rubber tube covered in a rigid plastic mesh. 机械手后的前臂上的每一个“气动肌肉”都由包裹着硬质塑料网的橡皮管组成。