- Man Jingtai County Water Beach Middle School is located in the geo-Tang Ge Lisha Monan, King is the second phase of electricity immigrants establish the first rural junior middle schools. 景泰县漫水滩中学地处腾格里沙漠南缘,是景电二期移民区建立的第一所农村初级中学。
- composition in rural junior middle schools 农村初中作文
- Rural Junior Middle School Students 农村初中生
- rural junior middle school student 农村初中生
- rural junior middle school teachers 初中英语教师
- students of rural junior middle school 农村初中学生
- The Problem of Dropout in the Rural Junior Middle School 对农村初中学生辍学问题的探析
- He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- A Survery of the First-Year Students'Mental Status in Rural Junior Middle Schools 农村初一学生心理健康状况调查
- Value orientation of rural junior middle schools: present situation, envision and breakthrough 农村初中教育的价值取向:现状、设想与突破
- The Construction and Practice of Chinese Spoken Language Communication Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School 农村初中语文口语交际体验教学的构建与实践
- Analysis of English learning psychology of the rural junior middle school students 农村初中学生英语学习心理分析
- The Status of Mental Health and Its Relation to Parental Rearing Pattern in Rural Junior Middle School Students 农村初中生心理健康状况及与父母养育方式关系的研究
- Investigation of the Professional Consciousness of Rural Junior Middle School Students and Thinking on It 关于农村初中生职业意识的调查与思考
- Beginning exploration and implemental strategy to carry out "interest based research activity" in rural junior middle school natural science study 乡村初中自然科学开展“兴趣研究活动”的初步探索和实施策略
- He is my classmate of junior middle school. 他是我初中时的同班同学。
- The Types of Mental Disorder Among Rural Junior Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities and the Ways to Deal with Them 农村初中学困生心理障碍类型及其对策研究
- He graduated from junior middle school last year. 他去年初中毕业。
- Is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- rural junior middle schools 乡镇初级中学