- rural party members and cadres 农村党员干部
- Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should play an exemplary role in abiding by the Constitution and other laws. 党员和干部特别是领导干部要成为遵守宪法和法律的模范。
- When we talk about opposing privilege-seeking,in fact we have in mind the conduct of some Party members and cadres. 我们反对特殊化,其实就是反对一部分共产党员、一部分党员干部特殊化。
- Many of the new Party members and cadres have not yet had sufficient revolutionary experience. 大批的新党员、新干部还没有足够的革命经验。
- This then inspired all Party members and cadres to march to the front full of confidence and in high spirits. 因为这样,就使我们全党的所有共产党员和所有干部,以百倍的信心和饱满的士气,奔赴前线。
- All ordinary Party members and cadres should take part in Party branch or group activities at regular intervals to receive supervision from the Party. 至于一般党员、干部,人人都应该经常过支部生活,过小组生活,接受党的监督。
- In this arduous task we must first of all call on our Communist Party members and cadres,and particularly senior cadres,to take the lead. 艰苦创业,首先要我们党员、干部,特别是高级干部带头。
- In this struggle against crime all Party members and cadres,and the higher ones in particular,must take a firm,clear-cut stand. 共产党员,党的干部,尤其是高级干部,在这场反对各种犯罪分子的斗争中必须立场坚定,旗帜鲜明。
- The sufferings inflicted upon the great majority of the people,Party members and cadres during the "Cultural Revolution" are still fresh in our memory. 全国绝大多数干部、绝大多数党员、绝大多数人民群众,对“文化大革命”期间的苦难,都是记忆犹新的。
- Party members and cadres,especially leading cadres,should play an exemplary role in abiding by the Constitution and other laws. 党员和干部特别是领导干部要成为遵守宪法和法律的模范。
- Then,the numerous party members and cadres are appealed to inculcate in the whole member of society a respect for morality . 以德治国能否实现,也主要依靠广大党员干部对全社会成员进行道德教育。
- We must have the courage to face up the problems existing in the ranks of Party members and cadres and resolve them by relying on all Party members and the masses of the people. 要勇于正视党员和干部队伍中存在的问题,并依靠全体党员和人民群众不断加以解决。
- We should encourage Party members and cadres to learn how to identify problems in the daily lives of the local people and find opportunities to solve them. 要教育党员和干部善于从当地群众日常生活中去发现问题,寻求机会解决问题。
- In this arduous task we must first of all call on our Communist Party members and cadres, and particularly senior cadres, to take the lead. 艰苦创业,首先要我们党员、干部,特别是高级干部带头。
- Has been rated as the bases for patriotic education in Shanxi Province Changzhi City Party members and cadres and honest administration education base. 先后被评为山西省爱国主义教育基地和长治市党员干部廉洁从政教育基地。
- The sufferings inflicted upon the great majority of the people, Party members and cadres during the "Cultural Revolution" are still fresh in our memory. 全国绝大多数干部、绝大多数党员、绝大多数人民群众,对“文化大革命”期间的苦难,都是记忆犹新的。
- The paper analyzes the activities and whys of Wang Ming's rightist mistakes, with the purpose of offering some enlightenment to the Party members and cadres. 解读王明的右倾错误的具体表现及产生这些右倾错误的原因,对广大党员干部有重要的现实启迪作用。
- Only by fortifying the socialist economic foundation and educating the party members and cadres can we effectively prevent the formation and development of power capitalism. 只有巩固社会主义经济基础、加强党员干部队伍革命化建设,才能有效防止权力资本主义的形成、发展。
- Some people have tried to exploit for ulterior motives the widespread dissatisfaction among the masses (including Party members and cadres) over privilege-seeking (including "back-door" dealings). 人民群众(包括党员、干部)普遍地对特殊化现象(包括走后门)不满意,一些别有用心的人利用这个问题闹事。
- The difficulties we are facing are one more test for Party members and cadres at all levels, especially the veteran comrades, who are faithful to the Party, stand fast at their posts and are devoted to their work. 在困难面前,正是我们各级组织中的党员、干部,特别是老党员、老干部,忠心耿耿,坚守岗位,鞠躬尽瘁,又一次经受考验的时候。