- Farm upon one's own land farmhand n. 庄稼人,种地的人;雇农;农场工人。
- If a man own land, the land own him. 人有了地,等于地(也占)有了人。
- We built the house on our own land. 我们在自己的土地上建造了这座房屋。
- Possession and use of one's own land. 所有(权)对自己的土地的拥有和使用
- In Sumer you couldn't own your own land. 在苏美尔,你不能够拥有自己的土地。
- Israel coming back to their own land in 1948. 以色列人在1948年返回他们自己的地。
- In a word, Americans love to travel in their own land as well as in other parts of the world. 总而言之,美国人喜欢在国内旅游,也喜欢到世界其他地区观光。
- Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. 多年前,一位农场主在大西洋海岸边有块土地。
- The soldiers carried the spoils back to their own land. 士兵们把洗劫得来的东西搬运回他们自己的国家。
- Lenin says farmers can sell their own goods and own their own land. 列宁表示农民可以出售自己的产品和土地;
- If a man owns land,the land owns him. 人有了地,等于地(也占)有了人。
- The rich peasant,as a rule owns land. 富农一般占有土地。
- You are debarred from owning land. 不许你拥有土地。
- Amanda: In the beginning, only white males who owned land could vote. 亚曼达:一开始只有白人男性地主才能投票。
- Of course Thailand has a very corrupt part of society,much like our own land. 当然,泰国社会就像我们国家一样,也存在着一些极为腐败的现象。
- It was strange but true that a prophet never received honour in his own land. 一个先知往往在自己家乡反而不为人看重,这种现象虽然很奇怪,但却是个事实。
- And Moses let his father in law depart; and he went his way into his own land. 后来,摩西给他的岳父送行,他就回自己的地方去了。
- The true patriot desires righteousness and uprightness for one's own land. 真正的爱国主义者对自己的祖国是正直无私和忠心耿耿的。
- Until recently, women were debarred from owning land here. 不久以前,这里的妇女仍不准拥有土地。
- Owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue. 有产的拥有作为收入的主要来源的土地或证券的