- An agile and brave cavalry rushed at the enemy. 一队剽悍的骑兵向敌军冲去。
- The soldiers stood up and rushed at the enemy. 战士们站了起来,朝敌人冲去。
- The soldiers rushed at the enemy. 战士们向敌人冲去。
- The people rushed the rushed at the enemy soldiers. 他们冲向敌兵。
- In their desire to escape, the people rushed the rushed at the enemy soldiers. 他们冲向敌兵。
- The soldier sprang at the enemy. 士兵猛扑向敌人。
- They discharged their arrows at the enemy. 他们把箭射向敌人。
- He shouted defiance words at the enemy. 他大声呼喊着向敌人挑战。
- Shots were fired at the enemy target. 有人向敌军目标开枪。
- I'm sorry I had to rush at the last. 我不得不草草收场,真是太遗憾了。
- The officer ordered his men to fire (at the enemy). 军官命令士兵(向敌人)射击。
- You should not rush at the job . 你不该仓促地做那项工作。
- Our gunners/guns kept blazing away at the enemy. 我们的炮手[枪炮]一直不停地向敌军射击。
- We were banging away at the enemy. 我们乒乒乓乓向敌人射击。
- The car rushed at the bridge at astonishing speed. 汽车以惊人的速度向桥冲过去。
- The enemy airmen kicked up at the orders to fly more missions. 敌方飞行员开始对执行更多飞行任务的命令表示不服。
- Our battery fired off many rounds of shot at the enemy. 我们的炮兵连向敌人发射了许多发炮弹。
- The rush at the end of the month is just over. 繁忙的月终工作已告一段落。
- Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions. 我们的大炮已向敌人的阵地发起连续轰击。
- The brave soldiers howled down defiance at the enemy. 勇敢的战士吼叫着向敌人扑去。