- Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy. 咱们别把君主政体奉若神明。
- Grandpa's sacred cow is a hot bath and a bottle of whiskey. 祖父所向往的是一顿热水澡及一瓶威士忌酒。
- It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow. 从你的读者来信专栏看,哈罗德·威尔逊好像是个批评不得的人。
- Motherhood is a sacred cow to most politicians. 大多数的从政者不敢侵犯为母者的尊严。
- The Public School system is often seen to be the sacred cow of the upper classes. 公学制常常被看作是上层阶级神圣不可侵犯的事物。
- Grandpa's sacred cows were a hot bath and a bottle of whiskey. 祖父所向往的是一顿热水澡及一瓶威士忌酒。
- Money and fashion are the sacred cows of modern society. 金钱和时髦是现代社会人们所尊崇的。
- On the third day of Tihar, the Nepalese festival of lights celebrated every autumn, a family honors the sacred cow. 每年秋季庆祝的尼泊尔灯节的第三天,有一家人正为圣牛装扮。
- American television respects too many sacred cows. 美国电视业由于害怕得罪人,对于许多事情连碰也不敢碰。
- There are no sacred cows in mathematics. 数学里没有什么东西是神圣不可推翻的。
- Some newspapermen respected too many sacred cows. 有些新闻记者对太多的事情碰都不敢碰。
- Veterans like myself will say that the sacred cow has been slaughtered and now anybody and everybody can partake of the feast at any time. 像我这样的政界老手在此想说的是,“圣牛”已经被宰杀了,现在每个人都可以随时分享这一盛宴。
- Is the ***ist government a sacred cow? Why are people sentenced to life imprisonment for suggesting that it should step down? 政府是冒犯不得的偶像么?为什么人们建议它下台,就要判处无期徒刑了?
- And yet knowledge learned without devotion to God and Guru is like pouring the milk of a sacred cow into a bag of dog's skin, or the undrinkable milk of a donkey's udder. 也因此,我们目前也只能针对一部分看起来体位法大体上熟练的同学,在某些能够讲比较多话的时机,赶快再向同学一次又一次强调顺著呼吸做体位法练习的重要性。
- "There are no longer any sacred cows," promised Mr Kindler. 此外,辉瑞还将关闭5家研发中心和多家工厂。
- In India the cow is a sacred animal. 在印度,牛是神圣的动物。
- Chinese culture and traditions do not advocate pedantry or preserving the sacred cows. 传统华族文化并不提倡"食古不化"、"墨守成规"。
- Murdoch has shown in the past that he is willing to experiment, even knock over some sacred cows. 默多克已经在过去表明他愿意尝试,甚至打翻了一些神圣的母牛。
- But we should not make changes for the sake of change or prejudge which sacred cows should be slaughtered at the onset. 既然如此,为何交通业者还要搬一大堆理由坚持理工生需付成人车资?
- The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass. 牛吃完草后开始反刍。