- Main firewall techniques are used to analyse how to improve the network security performance to ensure the safety of network. 全面分析了目前计算机网络安全问题,探讨了网络安全策略,通过主要的防火墙技术来分析如何提高网络安全性能,从而保证网络的安全。
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a kind of safe system that is more reliable in guaranteeing the safety of network information at present. 公钥基础设施(PKI)是目前保证网络信息安全的一种比较可靠的安全体系。
- The hardware and software platform of NC CSB is not only manages the running and safety of network, but also provides the INTERNET connection for local network. 网络中心的计算机系统作为一个软、硬件平台 ,它既对网络运行、网络安全进行管理 ,又为系统网络提供INTERNET出口。
- Especially, when the turbulent outbreak of the virus of Code Red, Code Blue and Nimda, it makes people get a clear awareness of the importance of the safety of network. 尤其汹涌爆发的“红色代码”、“蓝色代码”及“尼姆达”病毒,使人们更加深刻的认识到了网络安全的重要。
- Two measure that are about to implement are safety of network of combinative communication industry ask the new situation that working surface faces, new menace, newly to make. 即将实施的两个办法是结合通信行业网络安全工作面临的新形势、新威胁、新要求制定的。
- However, transmission congestion in the transmission market will become a crucial factor which seriously impacts the safety of network and the invariability of the sales price. 然而,输电市场中存在的输电阻塞问题日益成为影响网络安全和电价稳定的重要因素。
- He is callous about the safety of his workers. 他对他工人的安全毫不关心。
- The tradition safety technique such as authenticate, accredit, encrypt, fire-wall and the control of accessing can not protect the information of network well. The safety of network faces great challenge and imperil. 传统的安全保护技术如认证、授权、访问控制、防火墙和加密等外围防卫机制已力不从心,计算机网络信息安全正面临着极大的威胁和挑战。
- However, due to the neglect of the safety aspect concerning network proxy as well as the out-of-order of using and managing network, the safety of network has been sharply menaced. 由于早期网络协议对安全问题的忽视,以及人们在网络的使用和管理上的无序状态,网络安全受到了严重的威胁,安全事故屡有发生。
- A practical network safety framework based on the control theory of systemization and hierarchization and network precautions and monitoring is very important for the safety of network information. 以系统化和层次化的控制理论为指导思想,从网络防御和监控的角度建立一个实用的网络安全架构,确保网络信息的安全势在必行。
- The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility. 确保船只的安全是船长的责任。
- Routing tables keep track of network destinations. 路由表保持对网络目的地的跟踪。
- The safety of the boat and crew becomes paramount. 保住潜艇和全艇人员的安全是当务之急。
- I fear for the safety of those mountain climber in this sudden bad weather. 在这突如其来的坏天气里我真担心那些登山队员们的安全。
- Theory and Keep Away of Network Monitoring. 以太网监听的原理与防范。
- The total number of network buffers. 网络缓冲区的总数。
- We are concerned about the safety of the public. 我们关心市民大众的生命安全。
- Fig. 4: The analysis of network flow. 图四、网路流量分析。
- My main concern is for the safety of my family. 我主要关心的是我家人的安全。
- Bo you know what is the advantage of network? 你知道网络的优点是什么吗?