- They get some salary cap space with Kwame's expiring contract. 他们可以充分利用布朗合同到期而出现的工资帽。
- More than that, Wallace will be clogging the salary cap the next two seasons. 不仅如此,本-华莱士还将在下两个赛季闭合工资帽。
- Without a salary cap, teams with deeper pockets can simply outspend the remaining teams for the better free agents. 如果没有限制,财大气粗的球队就会轻易的得到较好的自由球员。
- Such a contract would continue to count against the salary cap, with full payment still due. 此外,莱利还希望能够和三分神射手达蒙-琼斯续约,并将自由球员沃克和沃特森引渡到迈阿密。
- The NHL scraps what's left its season already decimated by a lockout over a salary cap for its players. 由于给球员设定薪酬上限的纠纷不断,国家冰球联盟取消了剩余的赛季。
- "Glen was saved by the lockout and the salary cap," one former Knicks executive said. "格伦挽回一命,由闭锁和工资帽" ,一位前尼克斯长官说。
- How do you explain to fans how tough it is to actually complete a deal, given all the factors, with salary cap and such? 你怎么解释球迷期盼的交易?能给一些原因吗?比如薪水、工资帽什么的?
- Beckham has been castigated for going to a second-rate league, yet that is a result of a salary cap designed to create a more even competition. 因为选择了一支二流联赛的队伍大卫受到了严惩,而工资封顶制度将会给他带来更严酷的挑战。
- Whelan speaks from experience as his Wigan rugby league side were almost untouchable until the introduction of a £1.8million salary cap. 威兰用他的维冈橄榄球比赛举例,他的队伍几乎遥不可及知道联赛引进了1800万的工资限额。
- Many of the NBA's practices (salary cap, draft, etc.) would violate the Sherman act were the CBA not arrived at through collective bargaining. 如果通过劳资谈判,CBA没有被达成的话,那么许多NBA的实际操作(像工资帽,选秀等等)都有可能违反谢尔曼法案(反垄断法)。
- Since then, the salary cap has increased about 35 percent, which would make the guaranteed money in Tomlinson's deal worth about $28 million. 在那之后,球队的工资帽上涨了约35%25,这使得汤姆林森的保证金高达2800万美元。
- Scudamore conceded that we are living in “economically interesting times” but ruled out a salary cap in the Premier League because it would be impossible to implement. “我们生活在一个日新月异的国家,球迷们知道现代英国是什么样的,”斯库达摩尔说。“不管你是哪国人,唯一重要的是你如何管好你的俱乐部。孤立的教区时代已经过去了。”
- He's on the salary cap for $14 million and with a marginalized role, the Lakers want to defer a decision until after the season, unless the bottom falls out. 他的薪水超过了一千四百万,但是他的表现很容易被忽视,湖人在赛季后想做出不同的决定,知道将其薪金压制最低点。
- According to the magazine, financial success in theleague flows from a combination of increasing ticket sales, larger TVdeals and the cost constrictions resulting from the salary cap. 该杂志排名的标准是,财务上的成功,在联盟中获得票房的多少,电视转播获取多少,以及工资帽等因素排名。
- The Football Association chairman, David Triesman, yesterday threatened to enforce a salary cap on England's leading clubs as part of a wide-ranging and often damning address on the game's finances. 足总主席大卫.;特莱斯曼昨天威胁要给英格兰的大球队扣上工资帽,他对联赛的财务状况等问题表示不满。
- The League's ultimate journey man may soon be on the move once again : “Look for the Timberwolves to end up trading new guard-forward Quentin Richardson to clear even more salary cap space. 联盟的‘旅行男’可能又要动身了,据称森林狼将会买断阿Q,来获得更多的薪金空间。
- Note that in the 00-01 season, the salary cap was adjusted downward because the players' salaries in 99-00 exceeded 55% of BRI (see question 7). 注意,在00-01赛季,工资帽下调了,是因为99-00赛季的球员工资超过了BRI的55%25(参见问题7)。
- CBA director Xin Lancheng said the league needed to control its costs by reducing referee expenditure and setting salary caps for foreign players. 篮管中心主任信兰成建议,联赛需通过削减裁判活动经费、实施外援限薪等措施来控制成本。
- In the shorter term the political provocation of the bonus payouts is likely to increase demand for a windfall tax on bonuses or salary caps. 短期来讲,支付奖金招致政治上的愤怒可能会增加对于奖金意外收入税和工资上限的需求。