- Numerical Calculation of Starting Electromagnetic Field for Salient Pole Synchronous Motor 凸极同步电动机起动时电磁场数值计算
- salient pole synchronous motor 凸极同步电动机
- salient pole synchronous induction motor 凸极式同步感应电动机
- In this paper, the method of calculating the saturated synchronous reactance by the finite element for the polyphase salient pole synchronous machine is presented. 本文阐述了采用有限元法计算多相凸极同步电机饱和同步电抗的方法,最后以一台十二相凸极同步发电机为例,用这种方法对饱和同步电抗进行了计算。
- salient pole synchronous generator 凸极式同步发电机
- Salient pole synchronous machine 凸极同步电机
- Calculation of Saturated Synchronous Reactance for the Polyphase Salient Pole Synchronous Machine 多相凸极同步电机饱和同步电抗的计算
- Application of Mutually Related Field-circuit Method Steady-state Analysis of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine 场路结合算法在电机稳态过程分析中的应用
- Calculation of Rotor Temperature Field for Solid Pole Synchronous Motor 实心磁极同步电动机转子温度场计算
- Application of Soft Start to the Large Power Solid Pole Synchronous Motor 软起动在大容量实心磁极同步电动机上的应用
- Coupled Numerical Calculation of Wave Shape Eigen Coefficient of Air-gap Magnetic Field and Rotor Temperature Field of a Salient Pole Synchronous Generator 凸极同步发电机空载下的气隙磁场波形特征系数及转子温度场的数值计算
- The paper discussed the effects of noise on SRM with vary salient pole number. 讨论了采用不同的凸极数对开关磁阻电动机噪声的影响。
- The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current. (同步电动机的)速度偏差同步电机运行速度的周期性变化
- A synchronous motor drives the measuring bob at a constant rotational speed. 同步马达驱动测锤以恒速旋转。
- The all film capacitors have been the developing trend of power capacitors, and the aluminium foil salient pole is the oPtimal constructure. 全膜电容器已成为电力电容器的发展方向,而铝箔外凸式电极结构又是其最佳选择。
- Salient pole permanent magnet synchronous machine 凸极永磁同步电机
- salient pole single phase synchronous generator 凸极单相同步发电机
- salient pole synchronous-induction motor 凸极同步感应电动机
- A synchronous motor can be used to drive a fan through a variable-speed magnetic coupling. 一个同步电动机能够通过变速磁性联轴带动风扇。
- The rationality of structure, speed of computing, veracity of results and universalness had been proven by applied the program to computing several salient pole machines. 通过对多台不同结构的凸极同步电机进行计算比较,证明了该程序结构合理,计算速度高,结果准确,通用性强。