- salted tiny radish 咸子萝
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- He salted away part of his wages each month. 他每月把工资的一部分储存起来。
- Her face is sprinkled with tiny freckles. 她的脸上有点点的雀斑。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- The old sailor chipped out a tiny model boat. 那名老水手一点儿一点儿地削出一个小船模型。
- She has a tiny mole on her cheek. 她面颊上有一颗小痣。
- The jewelry store occupied a tiny hole-in-the-wall. 珠宝店占用了巴掌大的一块地方。
- A whole tankful of gas dropped away because of the tiny leak. 由于这个小小的漏洞,整整一油箱的汽油都漏光了。
- We all bundled into the tiny car. 我们全都挤进那辆小汽车里。
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的盐,把那盘汤糟蹋了。
- My hair kinked up in the salt water. 我的头发在盐水中缠在一起了。
- They will soon be hearing the patter of tiny feet. 他们很快就会有个小宝宝了。
- A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along. 一只小小的渔船在缓缓地漂去。
- Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. 加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。
- He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat. 他身居斗室,感到很不自在。
- He was said to have salted away $4 million. 据说他已积蓄了四百万美元。
- My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase. 那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。