- salvage biosynthetic pathway 补救生物合成途径
- salvage biosynthetic pathways 补救生物合成途径
- Research of Desulfhydrase Involved in L-cysteine Biosynthetic Pathway in Pseudomonas sp. 假单胞菌生物合成L-半胱氨酸途径中脱巯基酶的研究。
- The neomycin s research situation, biosynthetic pathway, detection method and application, etc. are overviewed. 本文就新霉素研究现状、生物合成、检测手段及应用进行了概述。
- Biosynthetic pathway of melanin and the role of micro organs in melanocytes were shown. 表明了黑色素的生物合成途径和微小生物体在色素细胞方面的作用。
- Although the biosynthetic pathway of JH has been elucidated, the enzymes related to the pathway are poorly understood. JH生物合成的主要步骤已基本查明,但与合成相关的酶学研究还较薄弱。
- Title: Evolution of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway and prospect of its research in plants of Epimedium L. 关键词:黄酮类化合物;生物合成;进化;淫羊藿
- It is formed from ATP and 5-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate in a complex biosynthetic pathway. 由ATP和5-磷酸核糖基焦磷酸盐通过复杂的生物合成途径合成。
- The catechins share the major part of the biosynthetic pathway with other derivative flavonoids products, hence similar synthesis mechanisms. 儿茶素与其它类黄酮化合物的主要生物合成途径享有共性,因而具有相似的合成机制。
- Studying CPT biosynthetic pathway and transferring important pathway genes into CPT-producing plants may improve CPT yield. 研究喜树碱合成代谢途径,并利用基因工程技术将合成途径重要基因转入产喜树碱植物中,将有望提高喜树碱含量。
- Many of the cellular biosynthetic pathways were first elucidated. 首次阐明了许多细胞内生物合成的途径。
- Two or more biosynthetic pathways may coexist in a single cell. 在同一细胞中可能同时存在两条或更多条生物合成途径。
- Previously, four essential genes and a portion of fosfomycin's biosynthetic pathway had been proposed, but researchers were unable to produce fosfomycin in a non-native host. 之前的研究只是提出4个必需基因和一部分磷霉素生物合成途径,但是不能在非天然宿主体内制备磷霉素。
- Terpenoid biosynthetic pathway of plants are also controlled by a rang of different enzymes, and the key enzymes determine the outputs of downstream products. 植物类萜生物合成途径的调控以及该途径中关键酶的研究已成为目前国内外生物学领域的一大热点。
- The feature of bacterial cellulose, biosynthetic pathway, metabolic regulation, fermentation, function and application of bacterial cellulose were detailed. 文章就细菌纤维素的特点,生物合成途径,代谢调控,发酵方法,功能及应用等进行了详细阐述。
- This article introduces the important biological fuctions and biosynthetic pathway of carotenoid,reviews the genes of relative biosynthetic enzymes and advances in the studies. 本文就类胡萝卜素的重要生物学功能、生物合成途径及影响其合成的相关合成酶基因的研究进展作一概要综述。
- The purpose of this paper is to review citrinin's physicochemical properties,toxicity,inhibiting bacteria activity,analytical methods,biosynthetic pathway,gene clone,etc. 本文介绍了红曲霉桔霉素的理化性质、毒性、抑菌性、检测方法、生物合成途径及基因克隆等内容。
- Here,we high light recent progress in glucosinolate research,with particular emphasis on the biosynthetic pathway and its metabolic relationships to auxin homeostasis. 我们高光最近在甙的研究方面取得了新进展,特别侧重于生物合成途径及其与生长素的代谢关系。
- However, the extended-red trait is likely due to an expression of a functional protein involved in the regulation of the entire pigment biosynthetic pathway. 然而,鱼身显现大片红色特徵的关键,有可能是因为一种功能蛋白在整个色素生物合成过程起作用。
- Allele oxide synthase (AOS) was a key enzyme in JA biosynthesis pathway. 丙二烯氧化物合成酶基因(allele oxide sysnthase,AOS)是JA生物合成的关键酶基因,也是影响JA信号途径的调控基因。