- To occupy the same relative position or the same area in space. 占同一位置在空间占相同的位置或区域
- His Barcelona museum stands in the same area as Casa de la Caritat. 他的巴塞罗那博物馆和。
- The area is not the same area I sent you the IHC photos before. 这一区域与前一次上传的免疫组化图片是不同区域。
- Jun wares were from the same area in Henan province. 钧瓷也是同样产自是河南省地区的。
- His duties and mine overlap,ie cover part of the same area of interest. 他的职责和我的有部分重叠。
- Two others of these trilobite fossils have been found in the same area. 在同一地区还发现了另外两块这些三叶虫化石。
- His duties and mine overlap, ie cover part of the same area of interest. 他的职责和我的有部分重叠。
- In the same area there was a hunter who captured and killed antelopes and deer. 这个地方住着一位专门捕杀羚羊和鹿的猎人。
- Rafa comes from the same area (Mallorca) as his countryman Carlos Moya. 拉法和他的同乡莫亚都来自同一个地区(马洛卡)。
- The technique of repeatedly using the same areas of internal storage during different stages of a program. 在一个程序的不同执行阶段重复地使用内存中相同区域的技术。
- Traditionally,all the members of an extended family lived in the same area. 传统上,扩大的家庭的全部成员都居住在同一个地区。
- Now the PHCP plans to release another 14 captive-bred hogs into the same area. 现在PHCP计划推出另外14个圈养良种猪进入同一地区。
- Often initiates will schism over the same area of the form again and again in the ascent. 经常的,提升者会在提升中一次又一次跳过身体的同样部位。
- The principal can appoint one or several commission agents in the same area at the same time. 一个主人可以在同一时间同一地区指定一个或几个佣金代理。
- A quake of lesser magnitude, usually one of a series, following a large earthquake in the same area. 余震大地震之后在同一地区发生的一系列小震级的地震
- Article 26 No duplicate coal production license shall be issued for mining in the same area. 第二十六条 在同一开采范围内不得重复颁发煤炭生产许可证。
- In an exclusive agency arrangement,only one agent can be appointed in the same area at the same time. 在一个独家代理协议里,在同一时间同一地区只能任命一位代理。
- Military wives were not to be in the same area as their husbands,i. e. they were not to set up house together. 军人的妻子不能和丈夫同在一地,也就是说他们不能在一起过家庭生活。
- Constant passage of machinery over the same area compacts the soil and limits the development of roots. 机械经常在相同地带内通过,会将土壤压紧并限制根系的发育。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。