- I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊!
- Some come to hide from those same bloods. 另一些来到小镇的人则是为了躲避这些种族。
- They are not of the same blood. 他们并非同宗。
- In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination. 输血时供血者与受血者应是同一血型以防止凝集。
- As for the bloody towels and curtains recovered from the crime scence, they established only that Kenny had the same blood type as the murderer. 而在案发现场发现的沾血的毛巾和窗帘,也只能证实肯尼和凶犯有相同的血型。
- As for the bloody towels and curtains recovered from the crime scence,they established only that Kenny had the same blood type as the murderer. 而在案发现场发现的沾血的毛巾和窗帘,也只能证实肯尼和凶犯有相同的血型。
- A desperate Poblete e-mailed 100 friends and family members,asking if anyone with the same blood type as Cross,O positive,would be willing to help. 绝望的波夫莱特向100名朋友和家人发出电子邮件,询问是否有像克罗斯一样是O型血的人愿意伸出援助之手。
- A desperate Poblete e-mailed 100 friends and family members, asking if anyone with the same blood type as Cross, O positive, would be willing to help. 绝望的波夫莱特向100名朋友和家人发出电子邮件,询问是否有像克罗斯一样是O型血的人愿意伸出援助之手。
- K illing animals is as bad as murdering human beings, since it involves same pain, same blood, same cries, more torture and horror. 屠 宰动物与杀人无异,因为动物跟人一样,会痛、会流血、会哭,甚至有更多的折磨与惨状。
- Killing animals is as bad as murdering human beings, since it involves same pain, same blood, same cries, more torture and horror. 屠宰动物与杀人无异,因为动物跟人一样,会痛、会流血、会哭,甚至有更多的折磨与惨状。
- The naga had arrived on Outland, and they had brought new allies: the same blood elves that Maiev had helped escape the Scourge earlier. 纳迦来到了外域,还带来了新的盟友:就是那些玛维曾经帮助过对抗天灾军团的血精灵。
- I believe, it was hopeless when your bones be crushed by the ruins, because I pump the same blood as what you running out. 我相信,在你被废墟压碎骨骼的时候是绝望的,因为我身体留着和你一样的血。
- All the members of each tribe of the same blood, or feigning themselves to be so.Connubium between members of the tribe: marriage without the tribe forbidden and punished. 每一部落的的所有成员均同血统,或假想他们是这样的。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Genetically,there is only a 2% difference between gorillas and humans: we share the same blood type,have the same number of hairs per square inch and also the same temperament,according to scientists. 大猩猩和人类的基因只有2%25的差别:科学家们说,我们血型相同,每平方英寸的毛发数量相同,而且性情也相似。
- They are of the same blood. 他们是血亲。
- We both share the same blood. 我们共有相同的血脉。
- Genetically, there is only a 2% difference between gorillas and humans: we share the same blood type, have the same number of hairs per square inch and also the same temperament, according to scientists. 大猩猩和人类的基因只有2%25的差别:科学家们说,我们血型相同,每平方英寸的毛发数量相同,而且性情也相似。
- On any of the numerous 10-kilometer (six-mile) climbs in the Alps and the Pyrenees, on grades as steep as 10 percent, that same blood difference would gain the rider a whopping 80 seconds per climb. 而在阿尔卑斯山和庇里牛斯山的任何一个10公里爬坡赛段中,坡度都高达10%25,同样的血液差异,则能让车手在每次爬坡都缩短80秒,效果相当惊人。