- You can drill down into any sample period that you want while you view the full set of data. 在查看完整的数据集时,您可以具体查看所需的任何采样期的数据。
- In order to simulate Internet environment in Ethernet, time delay is divided into constant delay and random sample period considering datagram loss. 为了能在局域网中模拟因特网的网络环境,文章根据基于TCP/IP的远程控制系统中存在延时和延时不确定的特点,提出了将网络延时分为固定延时和采样周期波动的随机延时,同时考虑数据报的丢失。
- The influence of sampling period to NCS is discussed. 讨论了系统采样周期对网络控制系统的影响。
- Taking 1991-2006 as a sample period, there is a cointegration relationship between the price of gold and silver, that is, they have a long-term and stable relationship. 三、以1991-2006年为样本期间,发现白银与黄金价格具有共整合关系,表示两者之间仍具有长期稳定关系。
- At the aggregate level, Shanghai Stock Price Index is related to past IPOs gross proceeds and also to future IPOs gross proceeds during the sample period. 以总体水平来说,在该样本区间内,整体价格水平(用上证综指表示)与过去新股发行总市值以及未来新股发行总市值是相关的。
- The systems are classified according to the characteristics of their delays-shorter or longer than a sample period, constant or variable, random or determinate, and the independent or dependent features under some conditions are discussed. 把系统按其延迟大于或小于一个采样周期,定常或时变,确定或随机的不同性质进行分类。
- With adjusting the torque error by a PI controller, the load angle of next sample period is calculated.Combined with the rotor flux position, the anticipant stator flux vector is obtained. 通过对转矩偏差进行PI调节,获得下一周期的负载角,结合转子磁链的位置得到期望的定子磁链矢量。
- A monitor is used to acquire the network qualities of service (QoS) periodically, then the sample period of control systems is adjusted according to the QoS. 通过网络监测器周期地在线获取当前的网络服务质量,估计当前可利用的网络带宽等参数,实时地调整控制系统的采样周期以适应网络中信息流的变化。
- These three stock markets also have no obvious return spillover effects during our sample periods. 不论在日股最低点前后,三国股市间均无显著的报酬传导效果。
- In multirate sampled systems, sampling periods are not uniform. 摘要在多率采样系统中,采样间隔不均匀。
- This paper discusses the relation between the sampling period and the stability of sampled-data. 本文讨论了抽样周期与抽样数据稳定性之间的相互关系。
- The paper concludes that the new method for selecting the sampling period is desirable. 本文的结论是,这种选择采样周期的新方法是可取的。
- For reducing whir ling the radial sampling period must be suitable to the rotor speed not excessively short. 为减小涡动,转子径向采样周期应与转速相适应,不宜过快。
- In the final sampling period, lesion rates were 3% in the resiquimod group and 22% in the ehicle group. Shedding rates were 10% and 26%. 在终末取样期,3%25雷西莫特凝胶组和22%25雷西莫特凝胶组的皮损程度,其排泌率分别是10%25和26%25。
- The model outperforms current statistical model in both tracking accuracy and computation when the sampling period of sensor is smaller. 当采样周期T较小时,具有与“当前”统计模型相当甚至更高的跟踪精度和较小的计算量。
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不过是一件样品而已。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- It is well known that the sampling period of some Data Acquisition Systems( DAS), if not short enough, may limit the evaluation of their transient performance. 数据采集系统的采样周期是有下限的,即其采集速率不可能无限高,这在实际应用中常常限制了其瞬态响应特性的获得。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。