- EPC has larger resistance than that of sand mold casting in pouring process, and need double pouring time. 在相同浇注条件下,实型铸造的充型阻力较砂型铸造的大,浇注时间增加约一倍;
- For martensitic high chromium cast iron, whether pre-impact or after impact, the metal mold cast one has better wear resistance than the sand mold cast one. 结果表明:当基体同为马氏体时,金属型高铬铸铁的耐磨性在冲击前、后都比砂型高铬铸铁好,冲击作用使金属型高铬铸铁的耐磨性略有降低而对砂型高铬铸铁的耐磨性影响较小;
- Green Sand Mold Casting of Lengthy Casting 细长件的湿型铸造
- Survey of Exact Sand Mold Casting on Aluminium Alloy 铝合金精确砂型铸造评述
- Study of Process on Al-Si Alloy Casting Produced by Die-casting instead of Sand Mold Casting 铝硅合金砂型铸件改为压铸生产的工艺研究
- Process improvements on Al-Si alloy casting produced by die-casting instead of sand mold casting 铝-硅合金砂型铸件改为压铸生产的工艺改进
- A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. 砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架
- Using refine by revolving argon-blow with proper technology parameters enables mechanical property of sand molded castings of high strength Al alloy to reach the level required by the standard. 用旋转喷氩气精炼铝熔体,并正确选用工艺参数,能使高强度优质铝合金砂型铸件的力学性能达到标准的规定。
- sand mold casting 砂型铸造
- Retrospect of Sand Molding Casting Technology and Molding Materials in China 我国砂型铸造工艺与造型材料技术发展回顾
- Abstract: One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto(mud-draft) of the sculpture is introduced. 文摘:介绍一种在雕塑泥稿外直接制作铸造砂型的方法。
- One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto(mud-draft) of the sculpture is introduced. 介绍一种在雕塑泥稿外直接制作铸造砂型的方法。
- Coating of sodium silicate alumina caly for aluminium alloy casting in green sand mold is studied. 试验研究了应用于湿砂型铝合金铸件的以水玻璃为基、铝钒土为耐火填料的徐料。
- Evanishment mold casting use dry sand solid, the easy box to cast, does not need any chemical additive, many casting may not need the rising head to make up shrink. 消失模铸造使用干砂固型,易于一箱多铸,不需任何添加剂,很多铸件可以不需要冒口补缩。
- In order to improve the abrasion-resistant on the casting surface, the low-Cr cast iron matrix composite reinforced by WC particles in sand mold was made in the experiment. 摘要为了提高铸件表面的耐磨性,实验以低铬铸铁为基体,WC颗粒为增强体,制备出颗粒增强表面耐磨复合材料。
- The medium chromium white cast iron has been pouring by green sand mold, and the effect of Cr? Si? Mn? 应用湿砂铸型浇注中低铬白口铸铁 ,采用正交试验研究Cr、Si、Mn、Cu对铸态中低铬白口铸铁力学性能的影响。
- We can also adopt sand shell moulding or metal mold casting as for allotype castings. 对异形铸件,还可用砂型铸造或金属型铸造。
- In the production of automation quantity full mold casting,the foam pattern making is an important protion procedure. 在自动化大批量的实型铸造生产中,泡沫模型的制作是一个重要的生产工序。
- Evanishment mold casting this product applies in the evanishment mold white mold cementation. 本产品应用于消失模白模粘接。