- sandstone component analysis 砂岩成分分析
- Component Analysis of Essential Oil from Pleurotus Tuber-regium Sing. 虎奶菇挥发油成分分析。
- Does Independent Component Analysis Play a Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data? 在纯超光谱资料里各独立分量作用分析?
- Through active component analysis, PE2 was found to contain some alkloids. 有效成分分析结果显示,PE2主要含一系列生物碱成分。
- Independent component analysis(ICA)is a method of blind source separation. 独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis ICA)是盲信号分离(BlindSource Separation BSS)的一个重要解决方法。
- Title: Component Analysis of Essential Oil from Melaleuca Leucadendron L. 关键词:白千层,挥发油,成分分析,毛细管色谱,色谱-质谱法
- The new neural network prediction model of water level is established based on the principal component analysis (PCA). 采用人工神经网络与主分量分析相结合的方法,建立了梧州水位的预报模型。
- Subject the matrix to principal components analysis. 主成分分析法。
- Extraction and Component Analysis of Polysaccharides in Orobanche caerulescens Steph. 列当多糖的提取与组成分析。
- Is a single component analysis sufficient or is it desirable to do a multi-component analysis? 单一组分的分析已经足够还是需要进行多组分分析?
- In time domain, feature parameters of the step response are compressed using principal component analysis (PCA). 从时域角度,利用主元分析压缩电路阶跃响应的特征参数,从而简化了神经网络结构并提高了网络训练速度,提高了诊断效率。
- It is the technique of Independent Component Analysis(ICA) that be mainly researched in the paper. 以独立分量分析(ICA)技术作为主要研究对象,对基于独立分量分析的定点算法进行了详细的分析和推理。
- A novel method of car license plate extraction based on Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) is presented. 摘要提出了一种新颖的采用概率主成分分析的车牌提取方法。
- Title: Extraction and Component Analysis of the Volatile Oil from Caryopteris Incana (Thunb.) Miq. 关键词:兰香草;挥发油;芳樟醇;紫苏醇;化学成分
- Keywords: design hyetograph, principal components analysis, cluster analysis. 关键词:设计雨型、主成分分析、群集分析。
- The article proposes the method for oblique principle component analysis(OPCA),and conducts a preliminary stud... 因此提出了斜交主元分析方法,并对斜交主元分析方法的理论体系及其应用进行了初步的探讨。
- A method of data reconstruction was introduced based on independent component analysis (ICA). 因此提出一种基于独立元分析(ICA)的数据重构方法。
- The principcal component analysis method was uesed in multivariate PCIs was studied. 分析了主成份分析法在多元过程能力指数的应用,以及主成份法在过程能力评价中存在的不足。
- As a multianalysis tool, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is commonly used in the feature extraction. 特征提取和波段选择是目前国内外主要使用的降维算法。
- Componential analysis is a semantic approach to explaining lexical meaning. 摘要语义成分分析是一种解释词义的语义学方法。