- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- He girded himself with armour for the battle. 他穿好铠甲准备战斗。
- He bought a canned cod and a sandwich as supper. 他买了一个鳕鱼罐头和一个三明治作晚饭。
- Let's grab a sandwich and go to see the film. 让我们赶快吃个三明治就去看电影吧。
- Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes. 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 他的身体前前後後都有盔甲保护。
- We have less infantry and armour than the enemy. 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。
- His body was encased in shining armour. 他全身披着明幌幌的甲胄。
- I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite. 我需要一份三明治以解腹中之饥。
- Can you do with a sandwich for lunch? 你午餐吃块三明治行吗?
- Let's grab a quick sandwich and watch TV. 咱们赶快吃个三明治就去看电视吧。
- A bite had been taken out of my sandwich. 我的三明治给咬去了一口。
- Could you do with a sandwich for lunch? 你午餐吃块三明治行吗?
- sandwich armour 夹层装甲
- As he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich. 因为还饿,他又狼吞虎咽地吃了第二块三明治。
- I'm busy today but I will sandwich that job after supper. 今天我很忙,但我会在晚饭后挤出时间干那件事。
- The arrow glanced off his armour. 箭擦过他的甲胃。
- He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation. 作为一种给予特许专营权业务,他经营三明治连锁店。