- sanitary production in tourism 旅游业清洁生产
- Qingdao FERT Industrial Co., Ltd has been in the line of valves and sanitary products in the plumbing industry for the past 15 years. 青岛fert实业有限公司已在该线的阀门和卫生用品,在水电业在过去15年。
- Another hardware products in the wholesale agents and work, mainly in southern China's hardware products, sanitary products procurement and sales. 另从事五金产品的代理和批发工作,主要华南地区的五金制品,卫浴产品的采购及销售。
- China is a vast land, rich in tourism resources. 中国地大物博,旅游资源丰富。
- International master in tourism and leisure. 旅游与游憩硕士学位。
- The growth in tourism is really astonishing. 旅游业的发展实在令人惊异。
- Agreement where a company is appointed sole agent for a product in a market. 某一公司被指派在一市场独家销售某一产品代理的协议。
- Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures. 频繁的停电使工厂停产。
- Hansgrohe Sanitary Products Co., Ltd. 汉斯格雅卫浴产品有限公司
- What's the typical farm product in this region? 这个地区典型的农产品是什么?
- What is pushing up the production in your factory. 是什么使你们工厂的生产稳步上升?
- The production in this factory is spiral. 这个厂的产量呈盘旋上升。
- The car went out of production in 1990. 这种汽车已于1990年停止生产。
- On 8B solar neutrino production in the core ? 太阳中心~8B中微子的产生
- The article aims at appling the Appropriate Design theory to guide the design of the Sanitary Product on home. 从系统论的角度出发,以时间为轴分析了卫浴和卫浴产品发展的历史、现状和未来发展趋势。
- Production in heavy industry has also lessened . 重工业生产也减少了。
- What is the typical farm product in this region? 这个地区典型的农产品是什么?
- The coast of Zhejiang Province is abounding in tourism resources. 介绍了浙江省海岸带主要旅游资源的分布。
- The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。
- The oral sanitary product containing the zedoary turmeric oil has the function of inhibiting various pathogenic bacteria and virus growth while guaranteeing the tooth sanitation. 所述的含莪术油的口腔卫生产品在用于保证牙齿清洁的同时,具有抑制口腔和上呼吸道内各种致病细菌和病毒生长的作用。