- Nothing but a miracle can save her. 只有出现奇迹才能挽救她。
- save her baconvt. 免遭死亡
- Nothing but a miracle can save her life. 只有奇迹才能挽救她的生命。
- Nothing but a miracle can save her now. 现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。
- We should try to save her from herself . 我们应尽力使她免于自食恶果。
- He periled his life to save her honour. 他以他的生命为孤注以保全她的名节。
- The doctor did everything in his power to save her. 医生竭尽全力抢救她。
- She eagerly asked us to save her daughter. 她急切地要求我们去营救她的女儿。
- Doctors were unable to save her. 医生们未能把她救活。
- She'd do anything to save her own hide. 她会不惜一切保住自己的性命。
- All our efforts to save her did not avail anything. 我们为救她所作一切努力都无效。
- They knew nothing about her save her name. 除名字外,他们对她一无所知。
- The doctor came in time to save her life. 医生及时赶到救了她一命。
- We should try to save her from herself. 我们应尽力使她免于自食恶果。
- She died of a fever, and no one could save her. 她患热病死去,谁也救不了她。
- They made a belated attempt to save her life. 他们力图挽救她的生命,可是已经太迟了。
- She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life. 她终生感激他的救命之恩。
- This British intervention may have helped save her. 英方的这次介入可能有助于她的获救。
- She tried to commit suicide, but we saved her life by chance. 她试图自杀,但我们碰巧救了她。
- The doctor tried to save her and her unborn child. 医生想尽力挽救她和她未出生婴儿的生命。