- Growing up, I'd hear my mom say over and over again, “My mind is like a sieve. 在我成长过程中,我经常听到我妈妈反复地说,“我的脑子像个筛子。”
- This is what she has been saying over and over again. 这种话,她翻来复去不知说过多少遍了。
- This is what she has been saying over and over again -- I don't know how many times. 这种话, 她翻来覆去不知说过多少遍了。
- Or when the child demands some pice from his mother, and says over and over again: 'Mother, give me a couple of pice. 又或者孩子向母亲乞求印度铜币,一次又一次地说:‘母亲,请给我几个铜币。
- Say over again, and yet once over again, 请说了一遍,再向我说一遍
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
- I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again. 希望您能原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。
- She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞坏了,得重新做过。
- The actor would say over his lines until he knew them perfectly. 这位演员将重复他的台词直到他完全把它们记住。
- We must talk the matter over again. 我们必须再讨论这件事。
- Let's talk it over again some other time. 我们另外找时间再谈吧。
- I've warned you over and over again not to do that. 我一再地警告你不要去做。
- The judge has final say over evidence. 法官对证据的有效性拥有最终发言权。
- Oh, no! Are they coming over again just so they can watch my vcr? 噢,糟了。他们是不是又冲着我的录像带而来?
- He did have this to say over the prospect of war. 关于战争的前景他说了这。
- I suggest that you tear up the composition and start over again. 我建议你把这篇作文撕掉,再从头开始写。
- I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. 我建议你把这封信撕了,再重头开始写。
- Good night, old chap. I'll be over again one of these days. 晚安,老弟。我过几天还会再来的。
- Say over again, and yet once over again,/That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated 请说了一遍,再向我说一遍,/说“我爱你
- He said over the text again and again. 他一遍又一遍的背诵着课本。