- The company had decided to sharply scale back the head counts. 公司已决定大幅裁员。
- The outcry that followed persuaded the Swiss bank to scale back its private-equity operations. 在随后到来的公开反对的声浪中,瑞士信贷将手缩回了自己的投资项目上。
- Israel fears the Arab state won't scale back off its nuclear ambitions unless consequences are feared. 以色列担心这个阿拉伯国家如果不收敛其核野心就将后患无穷。
- Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare. 公司总是很快就按比率缩减资金的消耗,而消费者们与其放弃食物和医疗保障,他们更容易放弃汽车。
- The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade. 国际货币基金组织已经调低了它对未来十年的增长预测。
- But Hong Kong's de facto carrier said it would not scale back its expansion plans and would continue to cut expenses to lower its cost structure. 但国泰航空表示,公司将不会缩小扩张计划,并将继续削减开支,降低成本结构。
- If something looks to be costing more than you budgeted for that project, you need to scale back or adjust another project. 如果你看起来是耗资超过预算,工程你需要调整或者缩减另一个项目。
- If so, how much capacity does our current staff have to take on new work? Do we need to add positions, or scale back our goals? 如果有的话,那么我们现有的工作人员能够担负多少新工作?我们是否需要增加职位或者减少我们目标的范围?
- Numerous airline deferrals have forced Airbus to trim A380 production to 14 airlifters this year, down from 18, and also scale back plans for 2010. 大量航空公司的延期已迫使空客削减A380的产量,从预期的18架减到14架,并相应缩减了2010年的生产计划。
- Many firms will slash discretionary spending and scale back growth plans to conserve cash until they get a clearer sense of the economic outlook. 许多公司将大幅削减开支和规模后的发展计划以保护现金,直到他们更清楚地意义上的经济前景。
- Now Geely managers are negotiating an abrupt U-turn, making plans to scale back production and postponing spending on research and development. 如今,该公司的管理人员却在商谈进行紧急掉头,制定减产计划,推迟对研发的投入。
- Divisions have emerged among G20 finance ministers over the best ways to scale back stimulus spending and tackle climate change, the BBC has learned. BBC了解到,G20峰会上各国财政部长对按比例缩减刺激性支出和处理气候变化的最佳方式产生了分歧。
- First, reduce your spending. Times are tough, and if you can scale back, now's certainly the time to consider your options. 第一,降低开支。现在的时期很艰难,如果你能降低开销,现在肯定是考虑选择的时间了。
- Dresdner also has an investment bank, but Commerzbank plans to ax half its staff and drastically scale back the unit's trading operation. 德累斯顿银行旗下也有一家投行,不过德国商业银行计划对该部门裁员一半,并大幅削减其交易业务。
- By scaling back its China-bashing, Congress could avoid such blunders. 通过逐渐减少对中国的抨击,国会可以避免这些大错。
- Developers are frantically scaling back projects, or even mothballing them. 开发商大幅减少开工项目,甚至暂停在建工程。
- We want to leave the door open for truly novel solutions, and it’s always possible to scale back; we are ultimately trying to describe an optimal, yet still feasible, experience. 我们希望为真正的创新方案敞开大门,总是有机会返回到细节部分,我们最终是企图描述一个最理想的,但仍然可行的体验。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- NBA owners ale seeking to scale Back the players' share of some $ 2 Billion in revenue to 48 percent by the 2003. Last season,57 percent of revenues went to pay salaries. nba雇主希望到2003年将球员的工资削减为约20亿美元总收入的48%25。上个赛季,球员工资约占总收入的57%25。
- The Wake County model will tempt many other school boards if the Supreme Court forces districts to scale back or dismantle race-based integration schemes. 如果最高法院强制各地区倒退或废除性别融合方案,威克郡的模式就会对其他许多校董会形成诱惑。