- 7.African Tree PangolinThe tree pangolin (Manis tricuspis) is endemic to Africa and one of eight existing species of pangolin ("scaly anteater"). 树穿山甲(白腹鲮鲤)是非洲特有的生物,也是现存的八种穿山甲之一。
- scaly anteatern. 穿山甲
- The iron pipe is scaly with rust. 铁管子因为生锈一片片剥落了。
- Aunt Edith's anteater ate Aunt Edith's ants. 伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。
- "Why are you so boring?" the anteater asked. 食蚁兽问为什么你这么无聊?
- Answer a:buy an anteater back not knot. 回答一:买个食蚁兽回来不就结了。
- Why are you so boring?the anteater asked. 食蚁兽问为什么你这么无聊?
- Reptiles possess a scaly, dry skin. 爬行类具有覆盖着鳞片的干燥皮肤。
- The reptile's skin is tough and scaly. 这种爬行动物的皮肤坚韧并带有鳞屑。
- A scaly patchformed on the skin by psoriasis. 斑由牛皮癣引起的在皮肤上形成的鳞状的色斑。
- Flowers nodding, densely reddish brown scaly. 花下垂,浓密红棕色有鳞。
- Branchlets with terminal scaly bud. 有末端有鳞的芽的小枝。
- Young branchlets white scurfy scaly. 幼枝白色具鳞屑有鳞。
- Leaf blade with both surfaces scaly, without hairs. 叶片具两面有鳞的,没有毛。
- Reptiles possess a scaly, dry skin . 爬行类具有覆盖着鳞片的干燥皮肤。
- A scaly patch formed on the skin by psoriasis. 斑由牛皮癣引起的在皮肤上形成的鳞状的色斑
- Capsule sometimes globose, scaly. 有时的蒴果球状,有鳞。
- North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots. 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖。
- An-gela Goodwin has perhaps the most unusual of pets, an anteater! 她养的这种食蚁兽原产圭亚那,在当地它们通常都被当作祸害而杀掉。
- This mammal is also known as a spiny anteater and represents Australia's land. 它是一种食蚁动物,象征澳大利亚的大地。