- Anatomical Study of Scape Development of Different Garlic Cultivars 大蒜不同品种蒜薹发育的解剖学研究
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- A factory must try to diversify for further development. 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。
- The development was adverse to our interests. 这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。
- The town has been designated a development area. 该城市已被定为开发区。
- scape development 蒜薹发育
- He enjoyed the fair land scape of his hometown. 他喜欢家乡的美丽风光。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。
- The development and growth of an embryo. 胚胎发生胚胎的发展与生长
- Insufficient mental development. 智力缺陷,智障智能发育不足
- And' scape forth since liberty is lever. 须脱然无累,因自由更使人欢乐。
- Conditions were propitious for development. 情况对发展很有利。
- Inadequate food can stunt a child's development. 食物不足能影响儿童的发育。
- Flowers solitary, subsessile or on a short scape. 花单生,近无柄或在上一。
- It's a process of gradual development. 这是一个逐渐发展的过程。
- Scape terminating in a raceme or reduced panicle. 花葶顶生在总状花序或者退化的圆锥花序里。
- The book traces the development of philosophy. 该书追溯了哲学的发展过程。
- Flower solitary, terminal on scape, 7-8 cm in diam. 花单朵顶生,直径7-8厘米;
- This has perverted the development of that country. 这使该国的发展走上了邪路。